Aside from summer greeting cards, there are probably many people who do not know about winter greeting cards. There are six types of seasonal greeting cards: nengajo, winter greeting card, lingering cold greeting card, hot summer greeting card, lingering summer greeting card, and mourning greeting card. Kanchumimai is a seasonal greeting card that is generally sent out from January 8th in the Kanto region, January 16th in other regions, and until February 3rd in both cases. The number of seasonal greeting cards is decreasing year by year, and the planned number of New Year’s postcards for 2023 is 1.64 billion, which is 10% less than the previous year’s result, and it is about a third of the size of the peak 4.45936 billion, in 2004. The spread of the Internet is considered to be the main reason. At the same time, I think the greater reason is that the changing times have changed people’s consciousness in all respects.