Momotaro’s general image is to put up a jinbaori (sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armor) and a nobori (flag) on the Hinomaru headband, give a Kibi-dango to dogs, birds, and monkeys to make them “servants” and exterminate demons. This image was established in the Meiji era, and it was adopted in textbooks, and it is associated with the national policy for making one’s country wealthy and militarily strong after the Meiji era. The exact date of Momotaro’s story is unknown, but it is said that it was probably from the end of the Muromachi period to the beginning of the Edo period, and it seems that it was a simple poetic justice story. The peaches were introduced from China, the place of origin, during the Jomon period, and since then they have been used mostly for medicinal and ornamental purposes. In the Meiji era, sweet peaches such as Shanghai peaches were imported and spread for food. Especially in Okayama prefecture, it seems that the above Momotaro story was completed and used for national policy in order to connect the imported water peach and Kibi dango to appeal the water peach from the prefecture.