In the backdoor funds scandal surrounding political fundraising parties of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), it has been revealed that the practice of not contributing the amount exceeding the quota to the faction, known as ‘nakanuki’ or ‘skimming off the top,’ existed among cabinet ministers with ties to the Abe faction, including former Minister of Education, Science, Sports and Culture Shimomura Hakubun and former Minister in charge of the Tokyo Olympics Marukawa Tamayo. It’s quite concerning when these individuals hold positions like the Minister of Education or the Minister in charge of the Olympics. The ministers themselves have shown a decline in dignity. What is the difference between ‘uragane’ (secret funds) and ‘nakanuki’? ‘Uragane’ refers to funds that exceed the quota of the faction’s political fundraising party, and a portion of it is kicked back from the faction to the legislators. On the other hand, ‘nakanuki’ is when individual legislators do not contribute the excess over the quota to the faction and use it for their personal funds. Both are essentially secret funds, but ‘nakanuki’ can be considered a more malicious form of secret funds. This kind of under-the-table fund creation has been carried out within the LDP for many years, and now it has come to light, causing a major uproar. The background to such recurring political issues in Japan lies in the unique political culture of the country. About 30% of LDP members of the Diet are generally hereditary politicians, which stands out globally. In the United States, for instance, it’s around 5%, and in the UK, it’s almost non-existent. The reason for such a high number of hereditary politicians in Japan is that the remuneration for legislators, including various allowances, is the highest in the world. In the UK, which also follows the parliamentary cabinet system, members of the upper house are unpaid. While each country has its own circumstances, it can be said that Japanese lawmakers are generously compensated. In light of the LDP’s recent secret funds scandal, which resembles a fraudulent organization, there seems to be a greater responsibility for the public to consider this matter more seriously.