Negoroji Temple is located in Iwato City, Wakayama Prefecture. Kakuban, a priest of Koyasan in the latter half of the Heian period, who was said to be a eminent priest since Kukai, built a hall Temple on Koyasan. With the faith of Emperor Toba, he tried to rebuild the belief of Koyasan, which had corrupted at that time, and to revive the doctrine of Kukai, the founder of the sect. However, the priests of Koyasan rebelled against this, and an incident occurred in which the temple of Kakuban Sect was burned down by the opposition in Koyasan. In the wake of this incident, Kakuban Sect went down Koyasan and moved to the current location of Negoroji Temple. At the end of the Muromachi period, it became a large temple with 2,700 priest’s houses and a large military group of more than 10,000 monk soldiers called Negoro-shu. After then they built a friendly relationship by cooperating with Nobunaga Oda. Negoro-shu has become a large armed group that appears in history textbooks, but after that they also confronted Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and finally, due to Hideyoshi’s attack against Saika people (Kishuu conquest), the temple was left with several buildings such as Daishido and Oto, but everything else was burnt down.