The fragrance of plum blossoms is in excellent condition. Inhaling deeply, it feels like the entire body is being purified. Closing my eyes, my mind clears, and a screen appears before me, displaying various scenes.
On March 11, 2011, a little after 2:30 in the afternoon, while crossing a JR railroad crossing in a car, an emergency earthquake alert sounded from the car radio. It was reported that a fairly strong earthquake had occurred in the Tohoku region. Despite being in Osaka, the fact that the alert sounded indicates the earthquake’s considerable strength. As my home was nearby, I quickly turned on the television upon returning. Unbelievable scenes were being broadcasted. In the distance, a highway ran, and in front of it, it seemed as if we were in a gigantic washing machine. Amidst the raging waves, numerous cars and fishing boats were tossed and swayed, becoming a chaotic mix. It was nothing short of astonishment. This is still the vivid first scene from that day etched in my memory.
Needless to say, what happened afterward is well known. After all, the massive earthquake that led to the Great East Japan Earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0, making it the fourth-largest earthquake in the world since 1900, surpassed only by the 1960 Chilean earthquake (magnitude 9.5) and the 2004 Indonesia Sumatra earthquake, among others. For reference, the magnitude of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was 7.3, and the Noto earthquake at the beginning of this year was 7.6.
Once again, we sincerely pray for the repose of those who lost their lives in such massive earthquakes.
それから後の事は言わずもがな。何しろ、東日本大震災をもたらした巨大地震はマグニチュード9.0で、 全世界でみても、1960年のチリ地震(マグニチュード9.5)や2004年のインドネシア・スマトラ島沖地震等に次ぐ、1900年以降世界4番目の巨大地震であったわけです。ちなみに、阪神淡路大地震のマグニチュードは7.3、今年初めの能登大地震は7.6です。