Yesterday, 17th, the Osaka District Meteorological Observatory announced at 11:00 am that “the Kinki region seems to have finished the rainy season.” The end of the rainy season in the Kinki region is 15 days earlier than last year and 2 days earlier than normal. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, this year’s rainy season in the Kinki and Tokai regions lasted 62 days, the longest since 1951, when records remain. It is a record break again. Record breaking of meteorological data has become normal in recent years, and I am no longer surprised by the record breaking. Extreme weather events occur everywhere in the world, and their effects are manifested in various ways. In addition to them, we are in the midst of a century pandemic with the coronavirus. Looking at the slowness and poverty of humankind to deal with these, optimism is not always allowed in the future. At the same time as the joy of the rainy season, the morning of the end of the rainy season was greeted with a mixed mood, mixed with the melancholy that the length was record-breaking again.