Pink trumpet vine is in bloom so as to cover the planting on the tree-lined avenue. It’s really cool to see it swaying occasionally even though there is almost no wind. The name of the flower is a closely related species of Chinese trumpet vine, which has orange flowers native to China, and is named after the pink flowers. From early summer to autumn, dozens of buds are attached to the tips of new vines that grow in spring and have pinnate leaves, and pale pink trumpet-shaped neat flowers with red-purple streaks bloom one after another. In South Africa, where it originates, it blooms from December to March, but in Japan it blooms from June to October. Red-purple lines can be seen on the trumpet-shaped flowers, which serve as a marker for the insects that lead them. There is a nectary behind the long tubular flower that makes it easier for insects to pollinate as they pass through the long tunnel.
並木道の植え込みを覆うようにピンクノウゼンカズラが咲いています。ほとんど風もないのに時折り揺れている姿がいかにも涼しげです。花の名は、中国原産のオレンジ色の花が咲くノウゼンカズラの近縁種で、ピンク色の花を咲かせることから名づけられました。初夏から秋まで、春に伸びて羽状の葉をつけた新しいつるの先につぼみを十数個つけ、赤紫色の筋の入った淡いピンクのトランペット形の清楚な花が次々と咲きます。原産地の南アフリカでは12〜3月頃まで花を咲かせますが、日本では6〜10月頃まで咲きます。ラッパ形の花には赤紫色の線が見え、媒介する虫たちに対する目印になっています。 長い筒状の花の奥に蜜腺があり、昆虫たちが長いトンネルを通過する間に受粉しやすくなっています。 ちなみに、英名は Pink trumpet vineです。