The rice cake pounding at the end of the year is no longer seen. Occasionally, children’s associations, neighborhood associations, and children’s centers hold mochitsuki events. The diet has become richer, and rice cakes are also sold at shops all year round. However, according to a survey, 77.4% of people like mochi. Furthermore, when asked when they eat it, 61.8% answered that they “mainly eat it during the New Year” and 23.2% answered that they “eat it on a regular basis regardless of the season.” In addition, 56.6% of the respondents “decorate kagami-mochi”, and it seems that the tradition of New Year’s rice cakes is still preserved. Mochi eaten on New Year’s Day is usually eaten as ozoni. For the mochi, it is common to use square mochi in eastern Japan and round mochi in western Japan. Also, how to eat mochi, seasonings, and ingredients vary depending on the region. The other is kagami mochi. Toshigami-sama, who brings happiness for the new year, is welcomed to your home with rice cakes prepared for the New Year. Obon and New Year’s are associated with Buddhism and New Year’s with Shinto, respectively.