The Nemophila Festival is holding at Seaside Bark in Maishima, across the Yumemai Bridge from Yumeshima, which will be the site of the Osaka Expo. One million nemophila plants are planted on a vast site of approximately 44,000 square meters, overlooking the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in the distance, and will be held for one month from April 6th to May 6th, when they are at their peak. The vast expanse of the Osaka Bay, scented with sea breeze, and the harmony of the clear blue sky make for a breathtaking view as the nemophila cover the hillside in blue. This festival has been held annually since 2019, with 240,000 visitors last year.
Nemophila, also known as baby blue eyes, is an annual plant native to North America and belongs to the Boraginaceae family. It blooms small blue flowers in spring and is often referred to as the fairy of the forest. It has a creeping growth habit, with a height of 10 to 20 cm and flower diameter of about 2 to 3 cm. Its Japanese name is “Rurikarakusa” (瑠璃唐草). Although nemophila has been in Japan for over a hundred years since its introduction in 1877 (Meiji 10), it was relatively unknown until about ten years ago. The current nemophila boom began in 2001 when nemophila planting began at Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture. In 2001, the annual number of visitors to the park was about 900,000, but in 2012 it was ranked among the world’s 11 most popular scenic spots in the world’s most famous scenic spots. As a result, Nemophila Parks spread throughout Japan.
大阪万博会場になる夢洲から夢舞大橋を渡った舞洲のシーサイド・バークで「ネモフィラ祭り」が開催されています。遠くには明石海峡大橋を望む約44,000 ㎡の広大な敷地には100万株のネモフィラが植えられていて、見頃を迎える 4 月6日から 5 月6日の1ヶ月間開催されます。丘一面を青く染め上げるネモフィラと潮風薫る大阪湾の広大な海、青く澄み渡った空のハーモニーは正に絶景です。2019年から毎年開催されていて、昨年は24万人が来場しました。