Emperor Sutoku, the emperor of tragedy, was born in 1119 between Emperor Toba and Chugu(Empress), Fujiwara Tamako, as the first prince. However, Emperor Toba’s suspicion that Sutoku was the son of his grandfather, Emperor Shirakawa, did not disappear, and this lingered until later, and after all, in the first year of Hogen (1156), the imperial court split into the party of Emperor Go-Shirakawa and the party of Emperor Sutoku, and this caused the outbreak of “Hogen Rebellion”. Emperor Sutoku, who lost the battle, was exiled to Sanuki in Shikoku and died here. Three years later, Saigyo, who has served as Hokumen no bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards for the north side) since he was young, visited and consoled the souls. This tragedy has been handed down as Ueda Akinari’s “Ugetsu Monogatari” and Noh’s “Matsuyama Tengu”.