Today I used ChatGPT (an artificial intelligence tool that can generate original text). “” is ChatGPT’s answer to the question. There is a lot of talk about the emergence of a search site that surpasses the conventional Google search.
When do you start decorating the hina dolls?
“Hina dolls are usually displayed from mid-February to early March as part of a celebration called Hinamatsuri. This celebration is held to pray for the growth and health of girls, and also as a celebration of spring. ”
When did the custom of displaying Hina dolls begin?
“The custom of displaying Hina dolls is said to have started in the Edo period. At that time, it is said that the whole family displayed Hina dolls and prayed for the growth and health of girls. It is said that it was also used for special occasions, and even today, many people continue the custom of displaying Hina dolls.”