Today is another midsummer day with temperatures reaching 34 degrees Celsius. This weather has been continuing for several days now, so it’s safe to say the rainy season has ended. However, according to the latest forecast from the Japan Meteorological Association, the end of the rainy season in the Kansai region is expected to be around Monday, July 22nd, which is later than usual. It seems that on Sunday, the 21st, the rainy season front will stagnate near the coast of the Sea of Japan. Although widespread rain is not expected, there will be many clouds, and there might be sudden showers or thunderstorms here and there. From Monday, the 22nd, the front will move north to the northern part of the Sea of Japan, and the Pacific high-pressure system will cover the Kansai region, bringing summer skies. But, for all intents and purposes, the rainy season is already over. School summer vacation starts tomorrow. NHK’s radio calisthenics will also start its summer tour from tomorrow. Even at this age, I still remember the school summer vacations and the morning radio calisthenics. Back then, there were no air conditioners like today, and we had to make do with electric fans or hand fans to cope with the heat. The wind coming through the bamboo screens felt cool, and the sound of wind chimes made it feel even cooler. I guess the temperature wasn’t as high back then as it is now. Heatstroke was unheard of. After the morning radio calisthenics, we would clean the neighborhood streets. I remember a house where morning glories bloomed all over the eaves’ bamboo screens. I clearly remember that scene, and I also remember drawing it in my summer diary when I got home.
今日も気温34度の真夏日です。数日前からこういう天気が続いていて、もう梅雨明けだといってもいいのですが、日本気象協会が発表した最新の梅雨明け予想によると、関西は7月22日(月)ごろで、平年より遅くなる見通しだというのです。なんでも、21日(日)にかけて、梅雨前線が日本海の沿岸付近に停滞し、広い範囲での雨は予想されていませんが、雲が多く、あちらこちらでにわか雨や雷雨がありそうで、 22日(月)からは、梅雨前線が日本海北部まで北上し、関西は太平洋高気圧に覆われて夏空が広がるからだとか。そうはいってももう実質 梅雨明けですよ。学校は明日から夏休み。NHKのラジオ体操も明日から巡回ラジオ体操だそうです。この年になっても、学校の夏休みのこと、毎朝のラジオ体操のことは忘れませんね。それに、今のように空調設備もなかったし、せいぜい扇風機か団扇で暑さを凌ぐしかなかった。簾を通して入ってくる風も涼しく感じたし、風鈴でも鳴ればなお涼しい。やはり、昔は今ほど気温も高くなかったんでしょうかね。熱中症なんて聞いたこともなかった。朝のラジオ体操が終わって、近所中の道を掃除したんですが、家の軒先の簾に朝顔が一面に咲いているお家があって、その光景をしっかり覚えて、家に帰って絵日記にその絵を描いたのも覚えています。