There is a cherry tree, which is said to be 2000 years old, in the temple grounds of Jisso-ji Temple in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Pre. People call it “Yamataka Jindai Sakura”. It is a cherry tree that is said to have been planted during the eastern expedition by Yamato Takeru, a traditional hero in ancient Japanese history. It is 14m high, 11m around the trunk, and branches 30m in the north, south, east, and west. The trunk looks like a torn rock and It is supported by many splints and even looks painful. But it still makes youthful and wonderful flowers bloom every year, so we’re amazed by the vital force and moved. It is exactly the incarnation of Uba-Sakura, an old woman cherry. The species, however, traveled in space, so it is also the cherry blossom at the cutting edge of the times.