Mt. Fuji in the beginning of spring is still a snowy landscape. The hard buds are also covered with light snow on the branches of the cherry blossoms, and at first glance it looks like a blooming cherry blossom. This is also a landscape of Mt. Fuji and makes me feel that spring is approaching. Mt. Fuji is one of the 110 active volcanoes in Japan, and it has been active for about 5,000 years in a long span. The most recent eruption of Hoei era in 1707 seems to have caused enormous damage due to volcanic ash. About 300 years have passed since this eruption, and it is in a situation where the eruption could happen at any time. If possible, I would want Mt Fuji to become an extinct volcano and retain its beautiful appearance, but I hope that it will continue to live as it is and become the anchor of the heart of us Japanese people.