I had been curious about Sanma, the epitome of autumn flavors.
When this season’s Sanma fishing began in August, it was initially disappointing, with catches expected to be at the same low level as the record-low year of 22 years ago. In mid-August, the first Sanma catch in Hokkaido was small, weighing only around 125 grams, and despite being considered ceremonial, it fetched a record high price of 200,000 yen per kilogram or 25,000 yen per fish.
Looking back, the peak of Sanma fishing was around 575,000 tons in 1958, but it has been steadily declining since then, dropping below 18,000 tons in 22 years, a mere 1/32 of the peak amount.
With such a decline, it seemed like this year’s Sanma would command prices akin to eel. However, from early September onwards, catches gradually improved. The volume of Sanma entering the Tokyo Toyosu Market was nearly triple that of the previous year, the size of the fish had grown, and retail prices had dropped by 30% compared to the previous year, making it more affordable.
So, I had the opportunity to enjoy Sanma for the first time this year.