When it comes to Coming of Age Day, January 15th is ingrained in my mind, so I didn’t realize today was the day until I checked the calendar. This change was brought about by the ‘Act to Amend Some Laws Concerning National Holidays’ enacted in 1998, known as the Happy Monday System. Under the Happy Monday System, holidays were moved to Mondays for an extended weekend. The affected holidays are as follows:
・Coming of Age Day: January 15th → 2nd Monday of January
・Marine Day: July 20th → 3rd Monday of July
・Respect for the Aged Day: September 15th → 3rd Monday of September
・Health and Sports : October 10th → 2nd Monday of October
The significance of the Happy Monday System is to make it easier for people to take consecutive days off, combining weekends with holidays, to allow the citizens to spend meaningful and leisurely time, realizing a rich and fulfilling life.
However, there is an issue with ‘Coming of Age Day.’ Due to the amendment to the Civil Code in April 2022, the age of adulthood was lowered from 20 to 18. Nevertheless, many municipalities continue to hold coming-of-age ceremonies for 20-year-olds, and some are even considering reverting to the age of 20 for those affected by the change. The reason behind this is that there is no legal provision governing coming-of-age ceremonies; each municipality decides on the age and whether to hold the ceremony. Many municipalities continue to celebrate coming of age at 20, not just to mark the ‘beginning of adult life’ and encourage a sense of adulthood but also as an opportunity for ‘reunions.’ However, a concerning aspect is that the number of individuals turning 18 on New Year’s Day in 2024 was 1.06 million (550,000 males and 520,000 females), a 40% decrease from the peak in 1970, setting a new record low.
・成人の日:1月15日 → 1月第2月曜日
・海の日:7月20日 → 7月第3月曜日
・敬老の日:9月15日 → 9月第3月曜日
・スポーツの日:10月10日 → 10月第2月曜日