The thoughts that arise from looking at a single photograph vary from person to person. They reflect one’s worldview and way of life. Dream and illusion represent something ephemeral. It is a metaphor for the transient nature of things and a universal sentiment deeply rooted in the Japanese people. It also conveys the concept of impermanence, that there is nothing in the world that is eternal and immortal, everything is constantly changing and will eventually decay. The opposite of the ephemeral is the idea of infinity and eternity. In the Western world, infinity is represented by a straight line, seen as something that continues indefinitely, while in the Eastern world, it is represented by a circle, believed to endlessly revolve. The circle also symbolizes emptiness, reaching the highest state of mind in Zen Buddhism. Mathematically, emptiness is represented by a circle, in other words, zero. The numerals we use, known as Arabic numerals or calcurating numerals, are the only ones that survived among over 500 numeral systems created worldwide. Chinese numerals and Roman numerals are a few remaining examples, but they are not suitable for practical use because they lack zero. Arabic numerals, which include zero, were actually born in India, so they should be called Indian numerals. The birth of zero was accompanied by the representation of infinity and emptiness. Emptiness endlessly revolves in infinity and dream-like illusions.