Feijoa is a tree that seems to be a eucalyptus seedling from a distance. Eucalyptus grows into a large tree, while feijoa grows to a few meters at best. And the most characteristic of all is the exotic flower. On the core of the white petals, the red pistil and stamen, which look like a sparkler upside down, are lined up and you can even feel a bewitching. The fruit is edible and was introduced to Japan at the same time as the kiwi fruit, but it was hardly spread. However, recently, along with the flowers, fruits have been receiving attention.
フェィジョアは遠くから見るとユーカリの苗木かなと思えるような木です。ユーカリは大木に成長しますが、フェィジョアは成長してもせいぜい2, 3mの木です。そして何よりも特徴的なのはそのエキゾチックな花です。白い花びらの花芯には線香花火を逆さにした様な赤い雌蕊と雄蕊が並び妖艶な感じさえします。果実は食用になり、キーウィと同じ頃に日本に紹介されましたが、ほとんど普及しませんでした。しかし最近はその花と共に果実も注目されています。