As expected, the Shion flowers are in full bloom. For as long as I can remember, during this season, I always visit this vacant lot without fail. It’s because the Shion flowers are in bloom. These flowers are taller than me, yet each delicate blossom exudes a pale purple hue. Within their Western appearance, there is a hint of Eastern elegance.
And now, when I see these flowers, what comes to mind is the sacred land of Israel, ‘Mount Zion.’ The name of the flower, ‘Shion’ and the sacred place, ‘Zion’ have no real connection, just a coincidental phonetic similarity. However, these two ‘Zion and Shion’ have become inseparable in my mind.
Zion is an ancient name for Palestine, the homeland of the Jewish people. The movement for the return to the homeland, which began in the 18th century, was called the ‘Zionist movement’ in its honor. Their long-cherished dream was realized with the establishment of Israel, but since then, a chain of hatred between Israel and Palestine has persisted. And now, once again, that chain of hatred is on the verge of exploding.