Hanamomo is in full bloom without waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom. Peach blossoms are not flowers that disperse in a blink of an eye like Yoshino cherry trees, and begin to bloom a little earlier than Yoshino cherry trees in late March to May in the spring, and continue to bloom even after Yoshino cherry trees have dissipated. Hanamomo, which has been improved exclusively for viewing flowers, has single-flowered and double-flowered flowers, and the colors of the flowers are also gorgeous pink, white, and red. In addition, there are many varieties, including weeping varieties and purple-tinted leaves. Peach has been popular with Japanese people since ancient times, but ornamental Hanamomo has been improved since the beginning of the Edo period. Since then, breeding has not progressed much, and most of the horticultural varieties currently cultivated are those produced in the Edo period.