Yamabuki flowers are in full bloom in the sunny spot of the bush. Speaking of Yamabuki, I immediately remember Ota Dokan. When Dokan Ota tries to rent a Mino(straw raincoat) at a farmhouse, the daughter offers a branch of Yamabuki(Japanese kerria) instead of the Mino. Her daughter responded that there was no Mino, in line with Waka “Seven-folded and double-flowered flowers are blooming, but I am sad that Yamabuki has nothing of the fruits”. Dokan, who did not know the Tanka, got angry with his daughter and left. It is well known that Dokan, who was ashamed of his ignorance later, mastered the field of Waka. Dokan was a warrior in the Warring States period with many anecdotes such as being impressed by a frog trying to jump on a willow and becoming a master of calligraphy. Dokan also built Edo Castle. Ota Dokan must have been a military commander who excels in both literary and military arts. Yamabuki is a flower that has been popular since the time of “Manyoshu”, and the bright reddish Yamabuki color is warm, not pure yellow. Yamabuki color is also called golden color, and in the Edo period, “Yamabuki” was also a cant word for “bribery koban”.