Autumn is finally near at hand. A large egret stands in the clear stream flowing into Lake Biwa without making a slight movement. I even feel the air of dignity with the standing figure. Immediately take a picture with my smartphone, search with Google Lens, and it’s a Daisagi(Great Egret). Some herons have feathers from gray to white and black, and some herons change color depending on the season. Great egrets, intermediate egrets, little egrets, and cattle egrets with white feathers are collectively called egrets. This Daisagi is aiming for the sweetfish that going down the river after they grew up in Lake Biwa, went up the river and finished spawning.
秋もいよいよ押し詰まりました。琵琶湖に流れ込む清流に大きな白鷺が微動だにせずにすっくと立っています。その立ち姿には風格さえ感じます。早速スマホで写真に撮り、Google Lens で検索したら、ダイサギです。サギには羽根の色が灰色から白、黒のものがあり、また季節により色が変わるものもあます。そのうち羽根が白いダイサギやチュウサギ、コサギ、アマサギはまとめて白鷺ともよびます。琵琶湖で育った鮎が川を遡上し、産卵を終えて川を下る落ち鮎をこのダイサキはじっと狙っているのです。