I visited the 88 temples in Shikoku (Shikoku Hachijuhakkasho) during Golden Week several years ago. I didn’t go around with a particular faith, but I happened to see an illustration drawn by an acquaintance painter in the red stamp book of the 88 temples in Shikoku, which I happened to see at a bookstore, and I was attracted to it. I traveled by car for 7 nights and 8 days, and it was a memorable trip. Depending on the season, beautiful flowers bloom everywhere I go, so it may be more appropriate to go on a flower tour rather than a pilgrimage trip. I took many pictures, one of which is the one posted here. I have forgotten where the photo was taken, but Huji(wisteria) that falls like a waterfall is wonderful and must be a soothing sight for pilgrims. When I opened Google Photos, it came out in the form of today’s one.
何年か前のゴールデンウィークに四国88箇所を巡ったことがあります。特に信仰心があって巡ったわけではなく、たまたま書店で見かけた四国88箇所ヶ所の朱印帳に、知り合いの画家が描いた挿絵が載っていて、それに惹かれての巡礼になったわけです。7泊8日の車での旅でしたが思い出多い旅でした。季節がら、行く先々に綺麗な花が咲き、巡礼の旅というよりも花巡りの旅といった方が適切かも知れません。多くの写真を撮りましたが、その中の一枚がここに掲載した写真です。どの辺りで撮った写真かもう忘れましたが、滝のように枝垂れ落ちる藤は見事なもので、巡礼者の心を和ませる光景に違いありません。Google フォトを開けたら、今日の一枚という形で出ていました。