蝋燭に 命を知るや 万灯会

On August 5th, a Ten Thousand Lantern Festival (Mantōe) was held at Daigo-ji Temple in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City. The Ten Thousand Lantern Festival is a ceremonial event held annually on the night of August 5th, where lanterns are lit to offer prayers of gratitude to ancestors, spirits, and all living beings, commemorating their lives. At dusk, numerous stone lanterns and paper lanterns are arranged along the approach to the temple, and even the national treasure main hall and five-story pagoda are specially illuminated. Originally, there was an event called “Yomairi” on the evening before the anniversary of the founder of Daigo-ji Temple, Rigen Daishi, who passed away on August 6th (874 AD). This tradition continued until the Taisho period. However, it was discontinued amidst the anti-Buddhist sentiment during the Meiji Restoration. Subsequently, the festival was revived in 1990 and has continued to evolve in accordance with the times, becoming the Ten Thousand Lantern Festival as we know it today. It has now become a symbol of Kyoto’s summer, attracting numerous visitors.



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