The official name is Osteospermum, which is a combination of the Greek words Osteon (bone) and Sperma (seed). In Japanese name, it is called African Kinsenka or African Daisy. The place of origin is Africa as the name suggests. It feels just like a flower born in Africa. When I first saw this flower, I was reminded of the Masai people who live from southern Kenya to northern Tanzania in Africa. The Masai are proud, maintain their traditional lifestyle, and have a strong resistance to acculturation. Most African calendula, like calendula, are ordinary flat petals, but there are spoon-blooming varieties such as Sonia and Philip, and the flowers bloom in a shape that has never been seen before. It doesn’t always bloom with a spoon. There are many enthusiasts who buy Osteospermum because they want to see the spoon bloom.