The long beard and the bent waist of Ise shrimp are considered to be a symbol of longevity and are known as auspicious food. The ban on Ise shrimp fishing has been lifted in various parts of Japan from September to next April, and the best season for one is from October to January. You can enjoy the poppable Ise shrimp dishes. Especially, it is an indispensable ingredient for New Year’s osechi dishes. The body length is usually about 20-30 cm, but in April 2017, the largest individual in Japan with a body length of 38.5 cm and a weight of 2.33 kg was landed in Shima City, Mie Prefecture. It will take about 20 years to grow to this point. Ise shrimp is also famous for surprising cry in surprise.
伊勢えびの長いヒゲと曲がった腰を持つ姿は長寿のシンボルとされ、縁起の良い食べ物として知られています。9月~4月に日本各地で漁が解禁され、旬は10月~1月ごろ。ぷりぷりの伊勢えび料理を味わえます。特にお正月のお節料理には欠かせない食材です。体長は通常20 – 30cmほどで、日本では2017年4月に体長38.5cm、体重2.33kgという国内最大クラスの個体が三重県志摩市で水揚げされました。ここまで成長するには20年ほど掛かるそうです。また伊勢えびは驚くとギーギーと鳴くことでも有名です。