Sanma(Pacific saury) on the market today is a coastal fish by a small boat. Sanma landed in August was 850 tons, the second lowest ever. Looking at the amount of landings over the past three years, 2018 was 8,890 tons, 2019 was 990 tons, and last year 2020 was 170 tons, the lowest ever. The first landed Sanma was 3,780 yen per fish. From now on, Sanma by large boats will be on the market, and the price will be much cheaper, but it will still a poor catch, and last year’s saury catch was 29,566 tons, the lowest ever. Compared to 2008-09, which exceeded 300,000 tons, it is less than one-tenth. It is said that the causes are that due to the recent rise in temperature, the seawater temperature near Japan has risen and Sanma, which prefers cold water, has moved north of Hokkaido, and that large ships from Taiwan and China have advanced into the open sea area and have begun to catch a large amount of Pacific saury. Pacific saury is now changing from cheap and nutritious fish to high-class fish that can only be eaten at high-end restaurants.