Speaking of gerbera, it is a flower with a cheerful and bright atmosphere, and there are various flower colors and flower shapes such as single, double, spider, and semi-double, so the leaves are gathered at the ground and thick, and only the flower stalk grows long. I imagine the appearance of a refreshing flower in bloom. The gerbera in the photo is the original species of gerbera, and is a perennial plant native to South Africa and Swaziland, whose scientific name is Gerbera jamesonii, also known as “Hanaguruma” or “African Senbonyari”. The petals are red, thin, and the number of petals is small, and it is known as the ancestor of almost all gerberas cultivated today. You will be fascinated by the light and neat flowers like the original species.
ガーベラと言えば、陽気で明るい雰囲気をもつ花で、多彩な花色と、一重、八重、スパイダー咲きやセミダブルなど花形のバリエーションもあり、葉は地際に集まって茂り、花茎だけが長く伸びて咲くすっきりした花の姿を思い浮かべます。写真のガーベラはガーベラの原種で、学名Gerbera jamesonii(ガーベラヤ ヤメソニー)、別名「ハナグルマ」や「アフリカセンボンヤリ」とも呼ばれる南アフリカ及びスワジランドが原産の多年草です。花弁は赤色で細く、枚数も少ないのが特徴で、現在栽培される殆ど全てのガーベラの祖先として知られています。原種らしく淡麗で清楚な花の姿に魅せられます。