This is Mt. Fuji in early spring, as seen from the Shinnase coast in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture. At this time of year, the mountain is still covered in snow, giving it a majestic appearance as it towers over the sea. In front of it, on the rocky reefs of the Nashima island, 500 meters off the Morito beach, stands the Hayama lighthouse, also known as the Yujiro lighthouse, which was built with a fund of about 100 million yen raised by the Japan Ocean Yacht Association, chaired by Shintaro Ishihara, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of his brother, Yujiro Ishihara. The red torii gate visible to the left of the lighthouse is the gate of the Morito Shrine, and on the rocky shore in its precincts stands the Yujiro Ishihara Memorial Monument, inscribed with a poem handwritten by Shintaro Ishihara that reads, “My dreams sail far away on white sails, disappearing, disappearing…”
神奈川県葉山町の真名瀬(しんなせ)海岸から見る初春の富士山です。まだこの時期、冠雪がしっかりと富士山全山を覆い、威風堂々海の彼方に聳え立っています。その手前、森戸海岸沖500mのわ名島(菜島)の岩礁には葉山灯台、別名裕次郎灯台が立っています。石原裕次郎の三周忌を記念して兄、石原慎太郎が会長を務めていた日本外洋帆走協会が約1億円の基金を集めて建設しました。灯台の左に見える赤い鳥居は森戸神社の鳥居で、その境内の磯には「夢はとおく 白い帆に のって 消えていく 消えていく・・・」 と慎太郎氏自筆の詩が刻まれた石原裕次郎記念碑も立っています。