In Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture, which is famous for Iwashimizu Hachimangu, there is a garden related to Shokado Shojo, a monk and cultural figure in the early Edo period. In the vast garden of 22000 ㎢, there are the thatched house “Shokado” (a cultural property designated by Kyoto Prefecture) and “Izumibo Shoin” (a cultural property registered by Kyoto Prefecture) where Shojo lived, which were moved from Mt Otokoyama. And there’s also a famous Camellia japonica garden, where more than 120 types of camellia are planted. Shojo, who was also a master of the tea ceremony, must have been influenced by Sen no Rikyu. Even if Rikyu’s teaching, which preached that “flowers are in the field,” goes around the park, you can feel it at every corner. The camellia flowers were sought after for their elegance to gently snuggle up to the tea table, rather than the impressive flowers that would change the atmosphere of the room. The camellia that grows in Yamano must have been loved as the “queen of tea flowers.”