Tsubaki is a flower that has been popular among Japanese people as it is sung in Manyoshu. The single flower vase of the Toko-no-ma and of the tea room are symbols of Japanese culture. Red flowers are common, but there are also white camellias, white camellia with red spots, pink, and even black camellias. However, in 1965, a yellow camellia was found deep in the mountains of Yunnan, China, which was a big news. It was named “Kinkacha (Golden Camellia)” . And it was designated as a Chinese natural monument and was temporarily prohibited from taking it out of the country. The yellow camellia first came to Japan in 1980, and it quickly spread among connoisseurs. Originally it is a single bloom that makes bright yellow flowers bloom, but now the variety improvement has progressed, there are various yellow camellias such as “Yellow”.