The cherry blossoms have begun to bloom as if the dam has been cut.The temperature feels as warm as early July. People are coming out as if they are tired of waiting for this day. With the start of the new fiscal year, television broadcasts scenes of entrance and initiation ceremonies. It’s the time when energy surges the most throughout the year. Along the riverside cherry blossom trees, red lanterns are lined up, and strips of paper with haiku and tanka sway in the spring breeze. Amidst the cherry blossom trees, bright red flowers bloom where the line of trees breaks. Upon closer inspection, they are Kirishima azaleas. Befitting the Azaleas of the Land of Fire, they possess a redness akin to magma erupting from the earth. Kirishima azaleas were originally cultivated during the Edo period as a horticultural variety known as “Edo Kirishima.” After 1656, when Azaleas native to Mt. Kirishima were introduced to Edo, which had the highest level of horticultural culture in the world, the variety was improved and became very popular throughout Japan. Among them, Noto became the largest hub. In Noto, there are over 500 ancient trees aged over a hundred years scattered throughout. Every year during this season, many people from all over the country flock to Noto in search of Kirishima azaleas. However, this year, this cannot be hoped for. I pray for the swift recovery of Noto.