There are two types of wisteria in Japan, Yamafuji, which grows naturally in mountains all over Japan except Hokkaido, and Fuji (also known as Nodafuji), which grows naturally in western Japan west of Kinki. Yamafuji has a deep purple flower color and a short, chunky shape, while the color of the flowers of Fuji is light purple to reddish purple, and the inflorescences hang down for a long time, sometimes exceeding 1 meter. These two kinds are mixed in the Kansai area. Fuji is a wide variety of products with human intervention. The biggest difference between Fuji and Yamafuji is how to wind the vines, Fuji is left-handed and Yamafuji is right-handed. However, the problem is complicated, and there are some that explain the opposite. Yamafuji is a plant that is distributed in low mountains and forests and wraps around large trees to climb, but this can cause the wrapped plants to die. The fertile Yamafuji can interfere with the photosynthesis of other plants to tight and knock down. Due to its high fertility, its distribution is gradually expanding.