The mountains spreading in front of me have completely turned reddish. However, even though it is mid-December, it is a nice sunny day during the day. The temperature is in the middle of November. Large carps are swarming and swimming vigorously in the channel. Weeds of various colors grow around there. It is a beauty that cannot be called a weed. This is exactly the Kusamomiji (the autumn leaves of grass). Kusamomiji is a word that is not very familiar, but it is often sung in haiku and tanka, and recently it has been listed in travel guides as “famous spots for the Kusamomiji.” It is said that the Kusamomiji of Ozegahara are No.1. While stroking my hair mixed with gray hair, I am looking at the Kusamomiji of grass in front of me.
眼前に広がる山々もすっかり赤茶けてしまいました。しかし、12月も半ばだと言うのに、昼間はポカポカ陽気。11月半ばの気温だそうです。近くの疏水には大きな鯉が群れをなして元気に泳いでいます。その疏水の周りには様々な色に色付いた雑草が繁っています。雑草と言うには忍びない美しさです。これぞ草紅葉です。草紅葉はあまり馴染みのないことばですが、俳句や短歌ではよく歌い込まれていて、最近では「草紅葉の名所」として、旅行案内にも載るようになりました。尾瀬ヶ原の草紅葉がNo. 1だそうです。白髪混じりの髪の毛を撫ぜながら、目の前の草紅葉に見入っています。