山路来て チューリップ達の お出迎え

Early in the morning, when I was taking a walk on the nearby mountain road, a group of tulips were blooming side by side in the open field.  There are no houses around.  Who planted it?  What was it for?  A simple fence made of bamboo higos (thin strips whittled from a piece of bamboo) shows how these tulips are being carefully raised.  When I was thinking about that, my heart got hot.  There is a splendid tulip field over the mountain on the other side, and many colorful tulips are in bloom and competing.  Many people are rushing there in every day.A delicate heartwarming tulip field and a tulip garden that entertains a large number of people, both are spectacles of the transition from spring to summer.


頂いた 竹の子多く 思案中

Bamboo shoots, which are young shoots of bamboo, are ingredients that have long been popular in Japanese households, such as simmered dishes, cooked rice, and stir-fried dishes.  It is rich in protein and contains many vitamins in addition to dietary fiber and potassium.  There are many types of bamboo shoots, but the most popular one is Moso bamboo.  Many of them are large and have a good balance of bitterness and sweetness, and are characterized by a good texture.  It is cultivated in a wide range of land from Kyushu to Kansai, and it is also a feature that you can enjoy the season for a long time.  Bamboo shoots grow fast, reaching a few centimeters a day by the time they reach the surface, but after then, by the tenth day they can grow from a few tens of centimeters to even more than a meter.  Therefore, bamboo shoots are harvested as soon as  the head lifts the soil.  Bamboo shoots are said to be “drilled after boiling water”, and the amount of harshness increases sharply immediately after cutting and becomes hard, so it is necessary to cook, remove the lye, and prepare the bamboo shoots as soon as possible.


西行が 生きずく枝垂れの サクラかな

At the foot of Mt. Katsuragi, which straddles Osaka and Nara, in Kanan Town, Osaka Prefecture, surrounded by idyllic countryside, there is Hirokawadera Temple, known as the place of the death of Saigyo.  Hirokawadera is a Shingon Buddhist temple founded in 665 by En-no-Gyoja.  It is famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms, and in the spring it is crowded with cherry blossom viewing and cherry blossom festivals.  There is Sakurayama behind Hirokawadera, and you can enjoy about 1500 cherry blossoms such as wild cherry blossoms, Yoshino cherry blossoms, double cherry blossoms, weeping cherry blossoms, and haze cherry blossoms while hiking the promenade. In the latter half of the Heian period, Saigyo, who excels in both literary and military arts as a samurai on the Northern Bushi (samurai warrior), abandoned the elite course and left home to become a priest. He roamed Japan and wrote many waka poems, but the place of his demise was unknown.  While Jiun, a song priest in the middle of the Edo period, longed for Saigyo and traveled around the countries, he found that there was a Saigyo mound at Hirokawadera in Kawachi Province, and this was decided as the end of Saigyo.

大阪と奈良にまたがる葛城山の麓、のどかな田園にかこまれた大阪府河南町に、西行終焉の寺として知られる弘川寺があります。弘川寺は665年に役行者によって創建された真言宗の寺院です。桜の名所として名高く、春にはお花見や桜祭りでにぎわいます。弘川寺の裏手には桜山があり、遊歩道をハイキングしながら山桜やソメイヨシノ、八重桜、枝垂れ桜、霞桜など約1500本の桜を楽しむこともできます。 平安時代後期、北面の武士として文武両道に秀でた西行はエリートコースを捨て、23歳の若さで出家します。 日本を放浪し、多くの和歌を詠みましたが、終焉の地は不明でした。江戸時代中期の歌僧である似雲が西行を慕って諸国をめぐうち、河内の国の弘川寺に西行塚があるのを見つけ、ここが西行終焉の地と定まったわけです。 

夢見るは サクラ花咲く ウクライナ

Sakura information is being sent one after another from all over Japan.  Last year, two years ago, corona information was always sent along with Sakura information.  This year, Ukraine information was add to them, and I can’t be overjoyed at Sakura information, and it is a complicated feeling that is a mixture of annoyance, sadness and frustration.  In fact, in 2017, the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine planted many cherry trees to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Ukraine and the “Japan Year in Ukraine”.  From early April to November 17, about 800 cherry trees were planted in a total of 22 cities, including Kyiv, Harkiu, Donipuru, Lviv and Odesa.  Furthermore, in the “Sakura 2500 Campaign,” which encourages groups and individuals to voluntarily plant cherry trees, as of November 17, about 800 cherry trees were planted in about 15 cities.  As a result, a total of about 1,600 cherry trees have been planted in nearly 30 cities throughout Ukraine.  I pray that all of these 1,600 cherry blossoms will bloom safely and give the Ukrainians a moment of peace.


法螺の音に 桜が舞うや 松尾寺

On the first Sunday of April, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the “Sakura Festival” -Matsuoji Spring Daihoe-is held at Matsuoji in Matsuoji-cho, Izumi City.  There are also events that are hard to see now, such as the lantern Daigoma offering and the firewalking Iwao Shu.  It is said that En no Gyōja opened in 672, and during the peak period from the Nanbokucho period to the Muromachi period, it was a large temple with 7,000 kokus (1koku=180ℓ) rice of temple territory, more than 300 temples and thousands of monks.  During Oda Nobunaga burned down Tendai sect temples, Matsuo-ji Temple was also burned down. It was later rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyori, but it also reached the abandoned temple during the abolition of Buddha in the Meiji era, and now only a few remains are retained.  In my opinion, there seems to be some connection between Matsuo-ji Temple, which has 15 temples nationwide, and Matsuo Taisha Shrine, which enshrines the Hata clan, a skill group that came to Japan around the 5th century.

毎年桜がちょうど見頃になる4月の第一日曜日に、和泉市松尾寺町の松尾寺にて「桜まつり」~松尾寺春季大法会~が開催されます。採灯大護摩供、火渡り巖修 など、今ではなかなか目にすることができない行事も行われます。松尾寺は672年に役小角が開いたそうで、南北朝時代から室町時代の最盛期には、寺領7,000石、寺坊300余名、僧兵は数千人を数えたという大寺院でした。織田信長の天台宗寺院焼き討ちの煽りで寺院は悉く焼き尽くされました。のちに豊臣秀頼により再建されますが、これも明治の廃仏毀釈の中で廃寺に至り、今では僅かの遺構を留めるのみです。私見ですが、全国に15ヵ寺ある松尾寺と、 五世紀頃に渡来した技能集団である秦一族を祀る松尾大社には何らかの関連がありそうです。

永遠の 曲線秘める 八重椿

0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, 233, 377,610,987, 1597,… Every number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This sequence is famous Fibonacci sequence.  It is a mysterious thing that appears in natural phenomena from the biological world such as the branching and attaching of branches, the seeding of sunflower seeds, the scale pattern of pine cones, the branching of blood vessels in our liver, and the branching of bronchi, to the lifeless world.  The camellia flowers that I’m witnessing now probably have a phenomenon in which the Fibonacci sequence applies.  Because it’s too beautiful.  There is a close relationship between beauty and the Fibonacci sequence.  Beauty has stability, and stability leads to eternal life.

0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, 233, 377,610,987, 1597,… どの数字も前2つの数字を足した数字と言うこの数列は、有名なフィボナッチ数列です。草木の枝の付き方や枝分かれの仕方、ひまわりの種の付き方、松ぼっくりの鱗模様といったものから、私達の肝臓の血管の枝分かれ、気管支の枝分かれなどの生物界から自然現象にも現れる不思議な数列です。今目の当たりにする椿の花にも、多分フィボナッチ数列が当てはまる現象があるはずです。なぜなら、余りにも美しいからです。美しさとフィボナッチ数列には密接な関係があります。美しさには安定があり、安定は永遠の命に繋がるからです。

野イチゴを サクラの陰で 見つけたよ

A cherry tree is in full bloom at the entrance to the mountain road.  I found a bright red ruby-like wild strawberry in the grass in the corner of the sunny spot.  “Red fruit, cute fruit, I found it in the field, it’s a field strawberry, it’s a field strawberry, let’s take it together. ”  “Noichigo” is a Japanese song based on the Finnish folk song “Mansikka on punanen marja”, which I learned when I was in elementary school and can still sing by heart.  The Japanese translation was done by Hiroo Sakata and Tamiko Shimizu, but my humming song is translated by Tamiko Shimizu.  It’s a beautiful song, and I will never forget it no matter how many old I am. Speaking of “wild strawberry”, I always associate it with the Swedish movie of the same name produced in 1957.  It is a masterpiece of director Ingmar Bergman.  It was a day full of nostalgic memories today.

山道に入った所に桜の木が一本、満開の花を咲かせています。その日溜まりの一角の草むらに、真っ赤なルビーの様な野イチゴを見つけました。「赤い実 かわいい実を野原で 見つけたよ 野いちご 野いちごだよ みんなで 取ろうよ」、思わず口ずさんだのがこの歌です。『野いちご』は、フィンランド民謡『Mansikka on punanen marja』を原曲とする日本の歌で、小学校の時に習い、今でもそらで歌えます。日本語訳は、阪田寛夫と清水たみ子がしましたが、口ずさんだ歌は清水たみ子訳のものです。綺麗な曲で、いくつ何十になっても忘れません。『野いちご』と言えば、必ず連想するのが、1957年製作の同名のスウェーデン映画です。イングマール・ベルイマン監督の名画です。懐かしい思い出にひたる一日になりました。

花見客 桜に負けじと 花ツツジ

On Saturday in cloudy weather during the cherry blossom season, many cherry blossom viewing visitors come to the cherry blossom trees lined with red bonbori lanterns.  Rengyo (Yellow forsythia) is blooming here and there, and although the vividness of the color is not defeated by the cherry blossoms, it is overwhelming to the cherry blossoms that bloom in groups.  Bright red flowers are in full bloom far before the rows of cherry blossom trees end.  It is Tsutsuji.  There are various types of Tsutsuji, but from this redness, it seems to be a variety called Kirishima Tsutsuji.  Some call it Himetsutsuji.  Tsutsuji are written in Chinese characters as “躑躅”, but they are so beautiful that the viewer stops. Both “躑” and “躅” mean “to stand” or “to keep standing”.  Cherry blossoms, forsythia, azaleas, and flowers that represent spring are all available.  It’s completely spring.


平安を 海に運べと 花筏

The front of the cherry blossoms has moved northward, and there are places where the cherry blossoms are beginning to fall.  The flower raft that dyes the surface of the river in cherry blossoms colors and flows down slowly has a taste and is the most lonely sight too.  Until it begins to bloom, one is longing for the blooming, and when it blooms, one gets drunk like crazy, and the appearance of admiring the cleanliness of the dispersal correctly shows the characteristics of the Japanese people.  The transition of the four seasons stands out more than any other country in the world, and the colorful and varied nature has nurtured such Japanese qualities.  The temperament of being harmonious, respectful, unwilling to fight, and caring for others is what is most sought after in the world today.  I thought about the far sea where the flower rafts flow and the countries beyond that, so that the world would become peaceful as soon as possible and the peaceful days would return.


さくら咲き 青空若葉 入学式

Speaking of April 1st, the entrance ceremony comes to mind.  And cherry blossoms.  I have a vague memory, but the entrance ceremony for the elementary school was certainly April 1st.  I faintly remember taking a picture with my mother under a cherry tree.  I hear that most of the recent entrance ceremonies are on April 7th or 8th, and by this time, cherry blossoms should be scattered in many areas.  It was also in March that we sent the news of the university’s acceptance announcement by telegram as “Sakurasaku” and “Sakurachiru”.  The first modern school system in Japan, called “Gakusei (the school system)”, started in 1872 (Meiji 5).  Thirty years later, in 1900 (Meiji 33), the entrance season for Japan was unified, and the entrance ceremonies for many schools were April 1.  Until then, the entrance ceremonies were scattered, in September and May, etc.  In the world, enrollment in September is the mainstream, and recently, there is a movement in Japan to enroll in universities in September.  By the way, the neighboring South Korea is in March, China is in September, Singapore is in January, and so on.
