パッと咲き 部屋も明るく ヒメヒオウギ

Hime-hiougi-ayame (Iris setosa) has bloomed.  What a lovely flower!  A similar flower is Hime-hiougi-suisen (Montbretia iris), but Hime-hiougi-ayame is a member of the Iridaceae family of freesia.  On the other hand, Hime-hiougi-suisen is a member of the narcissus and is a completely different variety.  Hime-hiougi-ayame is native to South Africa and has red, white, pink, etc. flower colors, all of which are accented with a deep crimson color at the base of his three petals on the lower side of the six petals.  It has been cultivated for ornamental purposes in the Taisho era in Japan, but it has a very strong nature, and even spilled seeds bloom, and it is often seen that it blooms from cracks in concrete.  With the rainy season coming in, hydrangea flowers have begun to bloom.  The typical flowers of the season are good, but these modest flowers are also good.

ヒメヒオウギアヤメが咲きました。何と可憐な花だこと!よく似た花にヒメヒオウギズイセンがありますが、ヒメヒオウギアヤメはアヤメ科でフリージアの仲間。一方ヒメヒオウギズイセンはスイセンの仲間で全くの別品種です。ヒメヒオウギアヤメは南アフリカ原産で、花色は赤、白、桃色等があり、いずれも6枚の花弁のうち、下側の 3 枚の花びらの付け根に濃い紅色が入り、アクセントになっています。日本へは大正期に入り、観賞用に栽培されてきましたが、性質がとても強く、こぼれ種でも開花するほどで、コンクリートの割れ目から開花している光景もよく見受けられます。梅雨の入りを控え、紫陽花の花も咲き始めました。季節の代表的な花もいいですが、こうした控え目に咲く花もいいですね。

綿雲と 紅白織りなす ピンクパンサー

Flowers are blooming like a bright red carpet in a park in the hilly section.  At first I thought it was Shiba-zakura (moss phlox), but looking closely, it is a Sirene Pink Panther.  It was surprisingly old that it came to Japan during the Edo period or the Meiji period.  Some Sirene became wild in Japan and became a naturalized plant.  In Japan, it is called Mushitori-nadeshiko, and I have seen it blooming as a tree in a nearby temple.  There is a part that produces mucus at the top of the stem and under the leaves, and it is said to catch insects, so it was called Mushitori-nadeshiko.  However, it is not a carnivorous plant.  It is said to be a function that protects itself from insects such as ants that do not pollinate.  A similar flower is Mushitori-sumire (butterwort), which is a well-recognized carnivorous plant. Now,  If you like manga, you will remember the pink panther that appears in that anime work.


湯の香り 海原広く 五月晴れ

Hot springs are familiar to us Japanese and are very close to us.  Japan has about 10% of the world’s active volcanoes and is blessed with volcanic hot springs.  The number of spring sources exceeds 27,000, and the amount of spring output is about 2.6 million liters per minute.  Moreover, there is no other country other than Japan where high-temperature hot springs with a temperature of 42 degrees or higher account for 47%.  There are many archaeological sites and documents that show the relationship between Japanese people and hot springs, and traces of being used for hot springs have been found in the archaeological sites of the Jomon period about 6000 years ago.  In the books, “Kojiki”, “Nihonshoki”, “Fudoki”, and “Manyoshu” also have descriptions of hot springs.  In Japan, in addition to hot springs, you can enjoy hot springs in search of travel, but in Western countries, they can enjoy playing in the water as a leisure activity in the open nature.  In Japan, it is natural to go to a hot spring naked, but in Western countries, it is basic to wear a bathing suit.  In recent years, Japanese hot spring culture has become widely known around the world, and many foreigners visiting Japan have begun to bathe naked.

温泉は、私たち日本人にとって馴染み深く、とても身近な存在です。日本には世界の活火山のおよそ1割があり、 火山性の温泉に恵まれています。源泉数が2万7000本を越え、その湧出量は毎分約260万リットルにものぼります。しかも、42度以上の高温泉が47%を占めている国は日本をおいて他にはありません。日本人と温泉との関わりを示すさまざまな遺跡や文献などは多数あり、古くは約6000年前の縄文時代の遺跡から、温泉に使っていたとされる痕跡が見つかっています。書物では「古事記」、「日本書紀」、「風土記」、「万葉集」にも温泉の記述があります。日本では湯治のほか、旅情を求めて温泉地を味わいますが、欧米諸国では、開放感あふれる自然の中でレジャーとして水遊びを楽しんでいます。また日本では裸で温泉に入るのが当たり前ですが、欧米諸国では水着を着て入るのが基本です。近年、日本の温泉文化は広く世界に知られる事になり、日本を訪れる外国人の多くも裸で入浴するようになりました。

卯の花を かざして今日の 薪能

Springs of  verbena   Thrust in my cab-such will be   My fancy attire
(Translated by Donald Keene)

This phrase is contained in the travelogue “Oku no Hosomichi” written by Basho Matsuo, but the author is Sora Kawai, a disciple.  In May 1689, Basho Matsuo embarks on a journey from Fukagawa in Edo to Oshu with his disciple Sora Kawai.  He crossed the Shirakawa barrier in less than two weeks after his departure.  The Shirakawa Sekisho was established in the Nara period to prevent invasion from Ezo, and is considered to be the entrance to Michinoku (Tohoku region).  There was a legend that when passing through the sekisho, they dressed up and crossed in memory of past travelers and in honor of them.  Sora’s haiku sang the meaning that he didn’t have enough costumes to dress up for his trip, but he crossed this barrier with the intention of holding Unohana over  his hair and dressing up.  Unohana is another name for Utsugi, and it is a plant with a long history that has been popular since ancient times, such as being sung in the Manyoshu.  It is also sung in the nursery rhyme “Summer has come” and is a plant that is familiar to us.

卯の花を かざしに関の 晴着かな


土用まで 生かしておきたや 梅雨鰻

I got an eel from a fishing master in my neighborhood.  It is said to be fishing with a needle with a bamboo stick and earthworms in a hole where eels are likely to be in the daytime.  I didn’t understand even after hearing the explanation.  When I was a kid, I used to catch eels in the same way in a nearby river.  There is a gap in the revetment wall of the block, and the eel is often hidden there.  Place a wire ring at the entrance of the hole and let the earthworms flicker in front of it, and the eel will stick out. At that time, if you hook it quickly with a ring, you can catch the eel. This may be the same fishing method as that fishing master. There was a good fishing time, and it was around 2 hours before sunset.  It was a day to immerse yourself in nostalgic memories with delicious eel.


花の名も 心に清し カンパニュラ

It’s the season when the campanula is noticeable both indoors and outdoors. Campanula, also known as Huurinsou or Tsuriganesou in Japan, is a pretty flower with many small blue, purple and pale pink flowers. There are many kinds of Campanula family, and it is said that the number exceeds 300.  Some are compact and can be displayed on the countertop, while others are larger than 1.5 meters in height.  Speaking of campanella, the one that immediately reminds me is the campanella composed by Liszt.  It is an impressive masterpiece that starts with the ringing of a church bell.  Campanula and Campanella are spelled differently, but Campanula is Latin and Campanella is Italian, both meaning “small bells”.  Campanula is a plant of the Bellflower family native to Southern Europe and is said to have entered Japan in the early Meiji era.  Campanella also appears in Kenji Miyazawa’s “Night on the Galactic Railroad”, and there is a variety of the same name in rose flowers.


夏漁の 味わい旨し さつま揚げ

In fishery areas, most of the fish caught are shipped nationwide as fresh fish, but fish that are not valuable as commercial products are sold as fish paste, “Satsuma-age”.  In eastern Japan, it is called “Satsuma-age”, but in Kansai, it is also called “Tempra”.  The taste of “Satsuma-age” made from freshly picked fish is exceptional, and you can enjoy the taste unique to the local area.  Some fish paste is seasoned with salt and sugar, fried in oil, and wrapped with ingredients such as burdock, pickled ginger, and quail eggs.  “Satsumaage” was originally a Chinese dish, but it has spread nationwide via Ryukyu and Satsuma.  In Kagoshima and Okinawa prefectures, some people still call it “Tsukiage” or “Chikiagi”.


誰彼の 胸に差したや 勲章菊

There was a small park where I aimlessly went out by bicycle. Various flowers are in bloom in the circuit.  The most noticeable of these is this flower.  I think I saw it from time to time, but when I took a picture with my smartphone and searched with Google Lens, it was Gazania.  It is said that what was native to South Africa, the place of origin, was widely bred in Europe, and many horticultural varieties with various colors and shapes were produced.  Improved varieties in Europe began to be imported into Japan from the end of the Meiji era to the Taisho era, and are now wild in warm regions.  It is native to Africa and has bright flowers with a clear impression.  The English name is “Treasure flower” which means treasure and treasure flower, and the Japanese name is “Medal chrysanthemum”, so I was convinced.  Gazania has a long flowering period from May to October, and has the characteristic of opening flowers in the daytime and closing flowers at night in response to sunlight.  Flowers remain closed on rainy or cloudy days.

自転車でぶらりと出かけたさきに小さな公園がありました。周回路には様々な花が咲いています。その中で最も目に留まったのがこの花です。時々見かけた気がしますが、早速スマホで写真に撮り、Googleレンズで検索するとガザニアということです。原産地である南アフリカで自生したものが、ヨーロッパで広く品種改良され、様々な色や形を持つ園芸品種が多くつくられましたそうです。日本へはヨーロッパで品種改良されたものが明治末期から大正頃に観賞用として輸入されるようになり、現在では暖かい地域などで野生しているということです。アフリカ原産らしく、はっきりとした印象の鮮やかな花を咲かせています。英名は財宝や宝の花を意味する「Treasure flower」、和名も「勲章菊」ということで、なるほどと納得しました。ガザニアの開花時期は5月〜10月までと長く、日光に反応して昼は花を開き、夜には花を閉じる特徴があります。雨の日や曇りの日は花を閉じたままです。

日照り雨 雫に揺れる アマドコロ

There is a trail course laid around with wood chips in the nearby park.  When I was walking here as usual, it started to rain even though it was sunny.  However, it stopped immediately.  It is a fox’s marriage.  It is a phenomenon called weather-rain or sunshine-rain.  In a large place like Lake Biwa, a big rainbow hangs immediately after that.  It seems that the female fox will go across the big rainbow for marriage.  No rainbow can be seen here overgrown with trees.  However, the fox lantern is swaying in front of me. It’s Amadokoro (Solomon’s-seal).  The fox lantern is another name for Amadokoro.  Speaking of fox lanterns, I remember the fox fire.  It is a mysterious phenomenon that looks like a lantern in a wedding procession when wildfires line up in the mountains at night.  This is also called the fox’s marriage in some regions.  It was a day of romantic talk about the weather-rain, Amadokoro and fox fire, all about foxes.

近くの公園にはウッドチップを敷き詰めたトレイルコースがあります。ここをいつものようにウォーキングしていると、晴れているのにパラパラと雨が降ってきました。が、直ぐにやみました。狐の嫁入りです。天気雨とか日照り雨という現象です。琵琶湖の様な広い所では直後に大きな虹が掛かります。その大きな虹を渡って狐が嫁入りするそうです。木の生い茂ったここでは虹は見られません。しかし狐の提灯が目の前に揺れています。アマドコロです。狐の提灯はアマドコロの別名です。狐の提灯と言えば、思い出すのは狐火です。夜、山野で野火が連なって、嫁入り行列の 提灯の様に見える不思議な現象です。これも、地方によっては狐の嫁入りという所があります。天気雨、アマドコロ、狐火、すべて狐にまつわるロマンチックなお話しをする一日になりました。

水蓮の 花をも凌ぐ 萌黄色

Various water lotus flowers are in bloom in the water lotus corner in the corner of the park.  The flowers are what the visitors are looking for, but there must be many people who are fascinated by the vivid colors of the leaves that spread on the surface of the water.  It can be called a young grass color or a young leaf color.  In the above haiku, it was expressed as “萌黄 (moegi)”, but “moegi” may also be written as “萌葱” or “萌木”.  The color of the young leaves that have just sprouted is “萌黄”, the color of the buds of green onions is “萌葱”, and the color of plants that sprout fresh green is “萌木”. As you can see, there are words in Japanese that express a subtle difference in green. The Japanese people have a unique sense of color, and it is said that they are a people who have words to identify and express subtle colors that are unparalleled in the world.  I can make a book just by talking about the uniqueness of this color sense.
