蛸食べて 猛暑を凌げ 半夏生

From today (7/2) to July 6th is called the Hangesho.  In the lunar calendar, a year is divided into 24 equal parts, and each of them is further divided into three equal parts to represent the season.  One of the 72 seasons is Hangesho  (July 2nd-July 6th).  At the end of the rainy season, it is a turning point that was used as a guide for rice planting.  In Kansai, it is customary to eat “octopus” to pray for a good harvest.  This means that we pray that the planted crops will take root firmly in the ground, like the legs of an octopus.  It is said that rice planting is over and octopus is eaten to survive the hot summer.  The origin of half-summer is that poison comes down from heaven at the end of the rainy season, so in order to prevent it, we planted Hange (another name for Karasubishaku, a plant like a snake with a sickle) in a well or field. Recently, it seems that Hangeshou in the photo, because in which half of the leaves are in a semi-makeup state as if they were coated with white powder, represents this period.


人知れず 木の根枕に セッコクラン

A lovely pink flower is in bloom just a short distance from the nearby mountain.  I took a picture with my smartphone and searched with Google Lens, and it said “Sekkoku”.  Sekkoku is written in Chinese characters as “石斛” and is also called “Sekikoku”.  A wild orchid native to Japan, it is an epiphyte that grows on rocks and large trees.  It is the same companion as the representative dendrobium of Western orchids.  Sekkoku has been cultivated in Japan for a long time, and has been popularly known as “Chosei-sou” in the Edo period and “Chosei-ran” after the Taisho era, which seems to be very auspicious.  It is also a raw material for Chinese medicine, as it is also known as “Iwagusuri” or “Sukuna Hiko no Kusune”. At one point, it was overfished and endangered, but with generous protection, it is now found in many places nationwide.

近くの山を少し分入った所になんとも愛らしいピンクの花が咲いています。早速スマホで写真を取り、Google レンズで検索したら、「セッコク」と表示されました。セッコクは漢字では「石斛」と表記され、「せきこく」とも呼ばれます。日本原産の野生ランで、岩の上や大木に着生する着生植物です。洋ランの代表的なデンドロビウムとは同じ仲間です。セッコクは古くから日本で栽培されており、江戸時代は「長生草」、大正以降は「長生蘭」という非常に縁起の良さそうな名前で親しまれてきました。別名 「岩薬(いわぐすり」とか  「少名彦薬根 (すくなひこのくすね)」とか呼ばれるように漢方薬の原料でもあります。一時期乱獲がたたり絶滅の危機に瀕しましたが、手厚い保護のもと、今全国的にもおおくの場所で見かけるようになりました。