コスモスと 西日が跳ねる 遥か海

In the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture, a little further from the mouth of the Arida River, there is Washigamine at an altitude of 586 meters.  There is a cosmos garden at the top called “Cosmos Park”.  With cosmos blooming all over and a pleasant breeze blowing through, you can see as far as Awaji Island and Shikoku on a clear day, and the Arita River winds down below.  At dusk, the setting sun bounces off the surface of the sea in the distance, illuminating the cosmos flowers and swaying in the wind, as if they were dancing.


秋口を 静かに飾る 山野草

Akiguchi (Early Autumn) is quiet.  The hustle and bustle of the summer has passed, and we are in the midst of a moment of rest, exhausted from the exhaustion of play and the intense heat.  It is also a characteristic of this season that there are many flowers that bloom quietly in the fields and mountains, and there are no flowers that bloom gorgeously.  Looking up at the blue sky with brush clouds, I feel a strange mix of lethargy and melancholy.  It’s a strange feeling that the memories of the past year are mixed with the memories of the old past.  “Seeing the moon, somehow I become extremely melancholic, and I even feel as if the autumn has come only for me, though I know it’s not so”. This is a poem by Chisato Oe that was included in the Hyakunin Isshu from Kokin Wakashu.  It’s perfect for my current mood.

秋口は静かです。夏の喧騒は去り、遊び疲れと猛暑を凌いだ疲労感でひと時の休息の最中です。野山の草花も豪華絢爛に咲き競う花はなく、静かに咲く花が多いのもこの時期の特徴です。刷毛雲が漂う青空を見上げていると、気だるさとメランコリックな気分が混ざりあった不思議な気分になります。この一年の思い出と同時に古い過去の思い出が混ざり合う不思議な気分です。『月みれば ちぢにものこそ 悲しけれ わが身一つの 秋にはあらねど』。古今和歌集から百人一首に入集された大江千里の歌です。今の気分にピッタリです。

控え目に 咲いても目立つ 秋ザクラ

I wrote “秋ザクラ (akizakura; autumn cherry blossoms)”, but I’m honestly at a loss as to what to call the cherry blossoms that bloom at this time of year.  “秋桜 (akizakura)” is the best, but “Akizakura” means cosmos.  Cosmos originated in Mexico and was introduced to Japan around the beginning of the Meiji era. Its Japanese name was “Akizakura”, and since then it has been pronounced “Akizakura”. It is from Momoe Yamaguchi’s hit song “Autumn Cherry Blossoms” that we wrote “Autumn Cherry Blossoms” and began to call it “Cosmos”.  Cherry blossoms that bloom in autumn include 冬桜 (huyuzakura; winter cherry blossoms), 四季桜 (sikizakura; four-season cherry blossoms), and 十月桜 (jugatsuzakura; october cherry blossoms) have there and they are collectively called “winter cherry blossoms”, but I am reluctant to call the cherry blossoms that bloom in September and October “winter cherry blossoms”. “Akizakura” is the most appropriate name, but due to the above reasons, we cannot call it that.


さてさてと 秋鯵前に 思案中

Along with iwashi (sardines) and saba (mackerel), aji (horse mackerel) is one of the blue-backed fish that is effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases.  In particular, the protein content of aji is more than 20% and the fat content is low, so the taste of aji is the taste of protein.  Aji in the waters near Japan is called ma-aji, but ma-aji can be broadly divided into “coast-set aji” and “open-sea aji”.  Biologically, they are the same species, and in particular, the “coast-set aji” is also called “yellow aji”. Its back and fins are tinged with yellow.  Because the catch is small, it is caught by pole-and-line fishing and is branded as a luxury fish.  The aji  in the photo is a yellow aji called “shima aji”, and it is said that it came to be described as “island aji” because it is often caught around the seven islands of Izu.  This shima aji is extremely rare, and even today with the advancement of aquaculture technology, the catch is only about 1/50 of that of the Japanese horse mackerel.


名残惜し おはぎを食べて 彼岸花

Speaking of the equinox, cluster amaryllis and ohagi.  “Dumplings over flowers” is a common saying from long ago, but which one do you prefer?  Today is the end of autumn equinoctial week.  However, amaryllis is in full bloom now depending on the location.  It is also a good idea to have Ohagi with hot tea while looking at the amaryllis in the distance through the bamboo blinds swaying in the cool breeze.  The passing summer and the creeping autumn are exactly the state of “be excited about things at the turning point of the season”.  By the way, do you know the difference between ohagi and botamochi?  They are actually the same thing, “ohagi” is called “ohagi” after the Hagi flower known as the autumn flower, while “botamochi” resembles the peony flower known as the spring flower. It is said that it came to be called “Botamochi” because of this.  Depending on the region, it is said to be different, but it is still a traditional Japanese sweet.


すず風に コスモス揺れて やっと秋

Although it was a little hazy today, it was sunny all day, and the temperature was moderately warm, making it a refreshing day.  The cosmos blooming on the riverbed sways in the occasional cool breeze and looks pleasant.  The Equinox is over today.  There will still be some lingering hot days, but autumn will finally be deepening.  It seems that the  corona misfortune for three years has settled a little.  The Spanish flu that happened 100 years ago seems to have subsided in three years, so the corona wreck will soon subside.  That’s what I hope.  The Ukrainian war is just an escalation of Russia’s President Putin’s madness, and the dark clouds in the world will not clear. It’s a pity that when I think about the world, I can’t really enjoy the idyllic scenery I see now.


猛暑を潜り 輝き放つ 真紅のバラ

I found a rose that stands out conspicuously in the rose garden of the park.  Instead of reflecting light, they appear to emit light themselves.  Spring roses bloom all at once with the power they have stored during the dormant period of winter, so the size of the flowers is large and the colors are bright.  On the other hand, autumn roses form buds when the temperature drops after experiencing a hot summer, so they bloom small but full of beauty.  It has a strong scent and a deep color.  The spring roses that endure the harsh cold and the autumn roses that endure the heat are both able to survive the harsh environment to bloom.  Autumn roses, which shine even brighter in the evening sun, have a different feeling than spring roses.


ごんしゃんの 歌うも悲し 曼珠沙華

♭♯♭ 曼殊沙華♭♯♭

I think it was in my first year of high school.  I became able to read music scores, and if I could read them, I could grasp the musical image. It was so interesting that I often went to music stores. During that time, I came across “Manjushage” in “The Complete Works of Japanese Songs”. My first impression was that the song, which started with “Gonshan, Gonshan,” seemed like a pilgrim’s hymn. But that was all there was to it at the time. Later, I had the opportunity to thoroughly read the poem written by Hakushu Kitahara, and I was horrified when I deeply learned about it. “Gonshan” means the daughter of a good family, and the daughter goes to the grave during the Higan (equinoctial week) and folds seven higanbana (cluster amaryllis). This is the age of an aborted fetus who could not be born due to circumstances.  The sad reality that only women can experience flowed into a melody like a pilgrim’s hymn.


葉隠れて 香り漂う 葛の花

Kudzu is one of the seven autumn herbs.  All the other seven herbs are graceful flowers, but the kudzu flower is large and has a tropical appearance. And yet, it hides in the shadow of the leaves and is not very noticeable.  However, the scent is the strongest among the seven herbs, and you can tell the whereabouts of the flower by the scent.  In addition, kudzu is a plant with high utility value both as food and medicine, and at the same time, there is no other plant that is so disliked as a weed.  Kuzuyu, kudzu cut, kudzu rice cakes, etc. are still popular as ingredients for Japanese sweets, and the dried kudzu root, “Kakkon”  is used as a folk remedy for colds and gastrointestinal disorders.  If I think I’ve caught a cold, I drink kakkonto immediately.  Excellent effect.  The leaves are highly nutritious and used for cattle breeding, and it was once actively promoted in the United States, but it is now a nuisance because it overgrows too much and is difficult to get rid of.


彼岸花 咲いて浮かれる 案山子かな

The typhoon has passed, and the series of midsummer days has completely changed to autumn.  Everything from clothes to bedding changed in a hurry.  The scarecrow in a nearby rice field had also changed from short-sleeved to long-sleeved.  Despite being called a super-sized typhoon, there was no strong wind, and the rice plants were drooping.  Higanbana is in full bloom without waiting for the Higan.  It’s more than anything without a big deal.  It is often said that the heat and cold are all the way to the Higan, and it is true.  I would like to wait calmly for the deepening of autumn after this.
