写真見て 思い出広がる 山葡萄

When I was sorting out my photos, I came across a nostalgic photo.  A long time ago, when I went to Nozawa in Nagano prefecture with my students for a summer camp.  One of them is a picture of wild grapes.  Invited by the owner of the inn, I went out to pick wild grapes.  Wild grapes are a favorite food of bears, and they ring the bells to avoid bears as they go on roadless roads.  After a while, I found many wild grapes hanging on a steep slope crowded with miscellaneous trees.  We cut them with scissors, put them in a basket woven from wild grape ivy, and carried them on my shoulders.  This is a photo of that memory.  On the way home from the training camp, I always received a bottle of syrup to make wine and pickled nozawana .  It’s a nostalgic memory.
