There is nothing more uncouth than checking the price of the grapes you received. However, it is human nature to want to find out. For those who usually eat grapes that cost a few hundred yen at most, the gorgeous contents of the box are intriguing. Even if I see “Shine Muscat” or “Momotaro Grape” on the menu, I don’t know the value. When I looked into it, I found that even an average item would cost around 5,000 yen per bunch, and an expensive one would cost more than 10,000 yen. I just roll my eyes. Matsuo Basho’s haiku says, “In Katsunuma, even packhorse driver eats grapes”, but the grapes I usually eat are about the same as him, and I can fully enjoy the deliciousness of grapes. No no, if I say this, I’ll be punished by the giver.