女郎花 桔梗と並んで 競う秋

It became a haiku in which three seasonal words, Ominaeshi, Kikyo, and autumn, overlap. “Kikasanari ( Seasonal stacking) refers to a haiku that contains two or more seasonal words that represent a seasonal theme.  There are various rules in haiku, and one of the usages that should be avoided is “Kikasanari”.  The interesting thing about haiku is how it expresses emotions and scenes in just 17 syllables of 5,7,5, and evokes the reader’s sympathy.  One of the real pleasures of writing a haiku is to follow the rules and achieve this.  However, there are times when I want to express something by breaking this rule, and there are times when I have no choice but to break it.  In the case of the haiku above, I just happened to see Ominaeshi and Kikyo blooming side by side, so I expressed that this was exactly the autumn scenery, and that I felt autumn even more. Some people don’t know when the flowers of Ominaeshi and Kikyo bloom.  By the word “autumn”, we can understand that both Joroka and Kikyo are autumn flowers.


残暑にも 惑わされずに 彼岸花

A large and ferocious Typhoon No. 24 has landed in Kagoshima Prefecture and is about to pass through Fukuoka Prefecture and the Kansai region.  Yesterday was the calm before the storm.  Higanbana (Cluster amaryllis) is already in full bloom on the intricate ridges of nearby rice fields.  Normally, it would get a little cooler as the equinoctial week approaches, but this year we still have a series of midsummer days. Despite it, the Higanbana is blooming.  Does the Higanbana bloom according to the calendar regardless of the temperature?  The flowers are blooming with such accuracy that I can only think so.  When you take a picture, it looks like a dying Higanbana.  Instead, it reflects the strong sunlight of the lingering summer heat, making the red flowers appear whitish and appear withered.  I’m worried about what will happen if a typhoon comes after blooming so early.


酷暑越え 原種ガーベラの 美しき

Speaking of gerbera, it is a flower with a cheerful and bright atmosphere, and there are various flower colors and flower shapes such as single, double, spider, and semi-double, so the leaves are gathered at the ground and thick, and only the flower stalk grows long. I imagine the appearance of a refreshing flower in bloom. The gerbera in the photo is the original species of gerbera, and is a perennial plant native to South Africa and Swaziland, whose scientific name is Gerbera jamesonii, also known as “Hanaguruma” or “African Senbonyari”.  The petals are red, thin, and the number of petals is small, and it is known as the ancestor of almost all gerberas cultivated today.  You will be fascinated by the light and neat flowers like the original species.

ガーベラと言えば、陽気で明るい雰囲気をもつ花で、多彩な花色と、一重、八重、スパイダー咲きやセミダブルなど花形のバリエーションもあり、葉は地際に集まって茂り、花茎だけが長く伸びて咲くすっきりした花の姿を思い浮かべます。写真のガーベラはガーベラの原種で、学名Gerbera jamesonii(ガーベラヤ ヤメソニー)、別名「ハナグルマ」や「アフリカセンボンヤリ」とも呼ばれる南アフリカ及びスワジランドが原産の多年草です。花弁は赤色で細く、枚数も少ないのが特徴で、現在栽培される殆ど全てのガーベラの祖先として知られています。原種らしく淡麗で清楚な花の姿に魅せられます。

やりまわし 歓声響く 秋祭り

The Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, known for its heroic pulling, will be held for the first time in three years today on the 17th and tomorrow.  Due to the spread of the new corona infection, it was canceled in 2020 and was held without spectators in 2021.  The history of the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival dates back to the middle of the Edo period.  The Kishiwada feudal lord at the time held an Inari festival to pray for a bountiful harvest, and it is a historic festival boasting a tradition of over 300 years.  The highlight of the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is the “Yarimawashi”.  The sight of the Danjiri, which weighs more than 4 tons, running vigorously and changing direction at right angles is a sight to behold.  Lacquer and gold leaf are not used on purpose, and the wood grain of the zelkova wood is used. Contrary to the rough image, it is highly evaluated for its artistry and is called a “moving work of art.”  Every small town has a danjiri, which is said to be valued at more than 100 million yen, and 2,300 townspeople form a group and haul it around for two days from morning till night.


せせらぎに 残暑も溶けて 実むらさき

There are signs of autumn everywhere, but it’s still a summer day.  The Japanese garden in one corner of the park has a waterway that flows coolly.  Beside it, Murasakishikibu (purple berries) are swaying as if to match the murmur of a small stream.  The origin of the name Murasakishikibu is from the Heian period female writer Murasakishikibu, but it was originally “Murasakikishimi”, which seems to have changed to “Murasakishikibu”.  As the scientific name “Callicarpa japonica” and the English name “Japanese beautyberry” indicate, the Murasakishikibu is native to Japan, and both praise the neat beauty of the purple fruit.

至る所に秋の気配は漂ってきましたが、相変わらずの夏日です。公園の一角にある日本庭園には水路があり、涼しげにせせらいでいます。その傍にムラサキシキブが紫色の実を付けてせせらぎに合わせるかの様に揺れています。ムラサキシキブの名前の由来は平安時代の女性作家「紫式部」ですが、元は「ムラサキシキミ」で、それがいつしか「ムラサキシキブ」に変わったようです。学名の「Callicarpa japonica」とか、英名の「Japanese beautyberry」にある様にムラサキシキブは日本原産で、いずれも紫色の実の清楚な美しさを讃える内容です。

独り身は 看板頼りに 初秋刀魚

Come to think of it, it was saury season, so I went to Shokudou-gai, a large shopping mall nearby, as I remembered.  Among the several Japanese restaurants, there was only one with a stand signboard of early saury.  The saury that was served was still small, and it was not the seasonal saury that had survived the fat, but I could only taste the autumn season.  At Hanasaki Port in Nemuro City, Hokkaido, which boasts the largest catch of saury in Japan, 201 tons of the season’s highest catch was caught on the morning of September 14th.  This is the highest catch of the season, and according to the fishermen, “fishing is getting better.”  Still, the catch of Pacific saury is said to have decreased to about one-tenth in the last ten years, so saury will surely become a high-class fish someday.

そう言えば秋刀魚の季節だと、思い出したように近くの大型ショッピングモールの食道街に出かけました。何軒かある和食店の内、一軒だけ初秋刀魚のスタンド看板を出している店がありました。出された秋刀魚はまだ小振りで、脂の乗り切った旬の秋刀魚ではありませんでしたが、秋の季節感だけは味わえました。秋刀魚の水揚げ日本一誇る北海道根室市の花咲港では、9月14日朝、今季最高の201トンが水揚げされたそうです。 この水揚げ量は今季最高で、漁師によると「漁は、まあまあ良くなってきた」 ということです。それでもサンマの漁獲量はこの10年でおよそ10分の1に減少していると言いますから、秋刀魚もいづれは高級魚になるに違いありません。

コスモスが 明日へと継なぐ シルエット

The state funeral of Queen Elizabeth of England, who died on the 8th, will be held on the 19th, and former Prime Minister Abe on the 27th.  While Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral is held in grief for most of the people, former Prime Minister Abe’s state funeral has been criticized more and more with each passing day.  Although one is the king and the other is the head of the government, and although the circumstances of their deaths are different, there are many points that make us think about the differences in the state funerals that are strangely held at the same time.  Former Prime Minister Abe’s state funeral is held extremely emotionally based on the Cabinet Office Establishment Law and cabinet decision within the scope of administrative power, while Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral is legally held through a resolution of the Diet and is done through proper procedures.  It includes issues related to the foundation of democracy, and also expresses the difference in maturity.  Prior to that, it is hard to believe that former Prime Minister Abe was a prime minister who was worthy of being held at a state funeral that successive prime ministers had not been held.


値を聞いて も一度見直す 葡萄かな

There is nothing more uncouth than checking the price of the grapes you received. However, it is human nature to want to find out.  For those who usually eat grapes that cost a few hundred yen at most, the gorgeous contents of the box are intriguing.  Even if I see “Shine Muscat” or “Momotaro Grape” on the menu, I don’t know the value.  When I looked into it, I found that even an average item would cost around 5,000 yen per bunch, and an expensive one would cost more than 10,000 yen.  I just roll my eyes.  Matsuo Basho’s haiku says, “In Katsunuma, even packhorse driver eats grapes”, but the grapes I usually eat are about the same as him, and I can fully enjoy the deliciousness of grapes.  No no, if I say this, I’ll be punished by the giver.


平和裡に 広がる田圃は 黄金色

The new coronavirus pandemic is about to end its third year in four months.  The Spanish flu pandemic 100 years ago began in 1918 and ended in 1920.  It was widespread for 3 years.  The situation is quite different from now, so I can’t generalize, but I feel that three years is one prospect.  The actual number of infected people is several times the number announced, so it may be possible that natural immunity will spread and converge in three years.  At that time, parallel to the pandemic, the Russian Revolution occurred and shook the world.  Today, the war in Ukraine, with Russia at its epicenter, is having an impact on the world in various ways.  The situation is very similar.  I want the pandemic and the war in Ukraine to end as soon as possible and return to a peaceful world.


風鈴の 音が呼び覚ます 夏風景

Even on the day of the Harvest moon, the daytime heat is over 30°C.  Invited by the ice banner, I went to a shop and had cold warabi mochi.  Glass wind chimes ring every time the bamboo blinds shake.  Summer is not over yet.  The coolness of the mornings and evenings, the sounds of insects at that time, autumn is definitely approaching.  The change of season shakes people’s hearts.  However, this transition from summer to autumn makes people most sentimental.  It makes you feel the sense of impermanence ingrained in the hearts of the Japanese people.  This feeling lingers until the afterglow of summer has completely faded away and turned completely into autumn.
