花も名も 優しさ滲む 花水木

I brought a lunch and went to the nearby park to see the flowers. Most of the cherry blossoms along the way and in the park have already fallen, and instead, the red and white flowering dogwoods have begun to stand out. However, compared to the cherry blossoms, the number of flowering dogwoods is overwhelmingly small. Even so, they are still noticeable, but in the past, they were rarely seen in Osaka. In 1915, the flowering dogwoods were sent to Japan as a return gift from the people of Washington D.C. to the then Mayor of Tokyo, Yukio Ozaki, who had sent cherry tree saplings to them in 1912. Although the flowering period is quite long, the flowering dogwoods do not bloom as extravagantly as cherry blossoms, and their flowers are sparse and quiet, so they may not stand out like cherry blossoms. However, their quiet appearance is the charm of flowering dogwoods and gives a sense of tranquility. In their country of origin, America, the boiled juice of the flowering dogwoods was used as a skin medicine for dogs, so they were given the tasteless name “Dogwood”, but the Japanese name “Hanamizuki” has a charming emotional appeal.


花海棠 咲いて深まる 園の春 

The Hanami front also moves northward, and when the Yoshino cherry trees begin to fall, the hanakaidou begin to bloom. In China, they are also known as “sleeping flowers,” as they are said to have originated from the story of the emperor commenting, “the sleeping apple tree has not yet slept enough,” upon seeing the beautiful Yang Guifei looking drowsy and slightly intoxicated. The flowers of the hanakaidou resemble both cherry blossoms and apple blossoms, which is not surprising as they all belong to the same rose family of plants. In autumn, the hanakaidou also produces small apple-like fruits. Its place of origin is China, and it was introduced to Japan in the early Edo period. While it is associated with the elegant and beautiful Yang Guifei, its flower language is “graceful and modest” rather than “alluring and beautiful.” The red buds before blooming are similar to cherries, and their drooping appearance is quite impressive.

花見前線も遠ざかり、ソメイヨシノが散り始めると花海棠が咲き始めます。ほろ酔い加減で眠そうにしている美しい楊貴妃を見て、皇帝が「海棠の眠り未だ足らず」と言ったという故事に由来して、中国では「眠花」とも呼ばれます。桜の花にも林檎の花にも似た花を咲かせます。それもそのはず、花海棠も桜も林檎も同じバラ科の植物です。花海棠も秋になると小さな林檎の様な実を付けます。原産地は中国で、江戸時代初期に日本に渡来しました。楊貴妃になぞらえて「艶麗」という花言葉もありますが、どちらかと言えば、淑やかで控えめな花です。 開花前の赤い蕾はサクランボにも似ていて、垂れ下がっている姿はとても印象的です。

思い出を 希望にかえて 花筏

It’s the season to see the flower rafts. The eagerly awaited cherry blossoms bloomed even more beautifully this year, and Japan was intoxicated with cherry blossoms for the first time in three years. Many young people will set sail from this April. I give this flower raft to these young people who have overcome difficult environments that we have never experienced before. Fortunately, in Japan, we are being released from the COVID-19 pandemic and are able to welcome a peaceful spring. However, when we witness the war in Ukraine and the earthquake disaster in Turkey, our hearts still ache. We are also in an international situation that cannot be ignored, and we must not forget that we are in a situation where we must prepare for natural disasters. It is also our setting sail with hope and courage.


銀嶺も 威風堂々 逗子の富士

This is Mt. Fuji in early spring, as seen from the Shinnase coast in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture. At this time of year, the mountain is still covered in snow, giving it a majestic appearance as it towers over the sea. In front of it, on the rocky reefs of the Nashima island, 500 meters off the Morito beach, stands the Hayama lighthouse, also known as the Yujiro lighthouse, which was built with a fund of about 100 million yen raised by the Japan Ocean Yacht Association, chaired by Shintaro Ishihara, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of his brother, Yujiro Ishihara. The red torii gate visible to the left of the lighthouse is the gate of the Morito Shrine, and on the rocky shore in its precincts stands the Yujiro Ishihara Memorial Monument, inscribed with a poem handwritten by Shintaro Ishihara that reads, “My dreams sail far away on white sails, disappearing, disappearing…”

神奈川県葉山町の真名瀬(しんなせ)海岸から見る初春の富士山です。まだこの時期、冠雪がしっかりと富士山全山を覆い、威風堂々海の彼方に聳え立っています。その手前、森戸海岸沖500mのわ名島(菜島)の岩礁には葉山灯台、別名裕次郎灯台が立っています。石原裕次郎の三周忌を記念して兄、石原慎太郎が会長を務めていた日本外洋帆走協会が約1億円の基金を集めて建設しました。灯台の左に見える赤い鳥居は森戸神社の鳥居で、その境内の磯には「夢はとおく 白い帆に のって 消えていく 消えていく・・・」 と慎太郎氏自筆の詩が刻まれた石原裕次郎記念碑も立っています。

火の国の 真っ赤に萌えて 花ツツジ

At the end of the cherry blossom avenue, a bright red Kirishima azalea is in full bloom. Its color is reminiscent of the active volcanic Kirishima mountain range. As the cherry blossoms have faded and the number of visitors for hanami (cherry blossom viewing) has decreased, it is now the season for azaleas. Among them, the Kirishima azalea is a native species of the Kirishima mountains in Kagoshima Prefecture, which was first offered as a gift to the Satsuma clan and then brought to Edo (present-day Tokyo). Due to the suitable soil conditions in the Kanto region, it became explosively popular in Edo and then spread throughout Japan. By the end of the Edo period, it was not only popular in Japan, but also actively exported to Europe. Thus, it can be seen that not only the Kirishima azalea, but many of the current ornamental plant varieties underwent breeding improvements during the Edo period and were exported to various countries in Europe and beyond. Through the culture of plants, it is clear that the foundation for the Meiji Restoration had already been established during the Edo period.

桜並木の端っこに真っ赤なキリシマツツジが咲いています。活火山の霧島連峰を思わせる赤さです。葉桜が多くなって、花見客もすっかり少なくなりました。これからはツツジのシーズンです。中でも、キリシマツツジは鹿児島県の霧島山の山中に自生するツツジで、まず地元から薩摩藩に献上され、そして江戸に持ち込まれました。関東の土壌が生育に適していたこともあって江戸を中心に爆発的に流行しました。 その後全国に広がり、江戸時代末期からは、日本のみならず、ヨーロッパにも盛んに輸出されました。こうして見てみても、キリシマツツジのみならず、今見る園芸品種の多くが江戸時代に品種改良が加えられ、欧米各国に輸出された草木が沢山あります。植物文化を通しても、明治維新の石杖になったのは江戸時代にあったことがよく分かります。

空いっぱい 舞う花びらや 残桜(ざんさくら)

Even on this morning’s TV, it seems that cherry blossoms are in full bloom nationwide and crowds of people are flocking to enjoy the blossoms. Despite the harsh winter cold this year, spring came suddenly, and it seems that the dormancy break has worked, as every cherry blossom tree is beautiful. After three years of waiting, the joy of flower viewing exploded, and every flower viewing spot is overflowing with people, making the beauty of cherry blossoms even more prominent. Fortunately, many foreign tourists can be seen everywhere. Yesterday, I went to a nearby park for the last cherry blossom viewing. The cherry blossoms here have already bloomed in full and the cherry blossom petals have been beginning falled, and the young leaves are prominent. For some reason, many sparrows were there, flying around in the cherry blossoms. Many families with children and elderly people came, and everyone have been enjoying their last flower viewing of the year.


大地にも 椿が咲いて 冬仕舞い

The camellia flowers in the park have fallen, and it seems that flowers have bloomed on the ground. Winter is finally coming to an end. Camellias are a familiar plant to Japanese people, as they have been featured in nine poems in the Man’yoshu (an ancient collection of Japanese poetry). As the scientific name Camellia japonica suggests, camellias are a flower tree native to Japan, with two types found in Japan: Yabutsubaki and Yukitsubaki. Camellias were first cultivated for ornamental purposes in Japan during the mid-Muromachi period, but it was during the Edo period that they were officially developed through breeding. When they were introduced to Europe in the 1800s, they quickly spread around the world. Nowadays, hybrid breeding of camellias has also been carried out in Europe, America, Australia, and New Zealand, and over 2,000 types of camellias, collectively known as “Camellia,” are loved by people around the world.

公園の椿がたくさんの花を落とし、大地に花が咲いた様です。いよいよ冬仕舞いといったところです。椿は万葉集にも9首もの歌が詠まれているほど、日本人にとって古くから馴染みのある植物です。Camellia japonicaという学名が示すように椿は日本原産の花木で、日本に分布する椿には、ヤブツバキとユキツバキがあります。椿が日本で観賞用に栽培されるようになったのは室町時代中期頃といわれていますが、本格的に育種される様になったのは江戸時代からです。1800年代にヨーロッパに紹介されると、短期間で世界中に普及しました。現在では、欧米やオーストラリア、ニュージーランドなどでも交雑育種が進み、2000種を超える椿が「カメリア」と呼ばれて愛されています。

花いっぱい 人影もなく 桃の園

In terms of peach production, Osaka ranks around 30th in the country, but it is home to the peach with the world’s highest sugar content, certified by Guinness. It is the peach from Kishiwada City’s Kanechika area, where the peach orchard is currently in full bloom. Across the country, cherry blossoms are also in full bloom. While many people flock to see the cherry blossoms, there is no one here in Kanechika’s peach orchard. What is the reason for this difference? While you may know that cherry blossoms are Japan’s national flower, there is no other country in the world where the entire nation takes such an interest in a single flower. The long-awaited cherry blossoms, which bloom on a peaceful spring day with the warm sun shining down , are beautiful and perfect for leisurely viewing, but they quickly scatter and are gone. It is precisely in line with the Japanese sentiment. It also leads to Bushido, which says, “Flowers are Sakuragi, people are Samurai.” In contrast, the peach blooms continuously from early March to mid-April, and its flowers are robust and long-lasting, with the added anticipation of the delicious peach fruit to come. This creates a greater sense of expectation for the fruit than the blossom.


日もすがら 水面に揺れる 春の景

Cherry blossoms seem to be in full bloom in most areas of Japan except for the snow country. They are blooming almost a week earlier than usual this year, but due to the cold weather, the period for enjoying cherry blossoms seems to be longer. This year might be a great year for cherry blossoms. Even in the nearby park, cherry blossoms are in full bloom around the iris pond. The blue sky is reflected on the water surface, and the green young leaves, which I did not notice before, are also reflected. The spring breeze still feels chilly at times, and the cherry blossom petals flutter in the wind. A family of waterfowl suddenly appeared from somewhere and swam, separating the cherry blossom petals that covered the water surface. The scenery around me sways without a sound, making me feel like I am watching a silent movie. While feeling the happiness of being able to nestle in the hurried yet peaceful spring, I prayed for world peace and a safe and healthy year.


横たえて 春陽に光る 鳴門鯛

I enjoyed fishing with my grandchildren at a sea fishing pond located near the Naruto Bridge. While I have gone sea fishing before, this was my first time catching fish in a pond like this. The fishing equipment was simple and tailored to the pond, with a hook and bait attached to a rod that had no reel or float. After waiting a few minutes with the bait on the hook submerged in the sea, I felt a pretty strong tug. I caught a big sea bream that was wriggling left and right in the water, shimmering with a sparkling cherry blossom color. It was quite a challenge to pull the bent fishing rod back and put it into the net. My grandchild, who is still in elementary school, couldn’t handle it. Finally, we managed to bring it up to the floor, but it was still jumping around. It was a large sea bream, possibly 30cm long. My grandchildren were overjoyed, and we took some commemorative photos. Within less than an hour, we managed to catch four more similar large sea breams.
