ヒマワリが 咲いた部屋にも ウクライナ

On the television, scenes of the Bon dance festival with the catchphrase ‘After four years’ are being broadcast. Even from overseas, we can see scenes of the Bon dance festival in Malaysia, with a crowd of 40,000 people. The Bon dance is now fully revived. On the other hand, in the same news program, there is always coverage of the situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian War has been sparked by the twisted historical perspective of Vladimir Putin, the worst mass murderer of this century and the President of Russia. The name of Russia comes from the region of Rus’, which included the current northwestern Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In 1917, Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution, proposed immediate peace with all warring nations of World War I, based on the principles of ‘no indemnities, no annexations, and the right of self-determination for all nations.’ The ‘right of self-determination’ in this context denied any forced ‘annexation’ by regimes or multi-ethnic states, including colonies, and fully supported the self-determination of individual nations, regardless of whether they were in Europe or not. Thus, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the People’s Republic of China, both advocating the same principles, were born. As time passed, in 1991, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic collapsed, giving birth to the current Russian Federation and Ukraine. However, from Putin’s perspective, the delusion of the ‘Great Russia’ of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic era and even the Rus’ era still lingers in his mind. The idea of ‘self-determination’ that was strongly advocated during the Russian Revolution has disappeared. China is facing a similar situation. In 2014, driven by the delusion of resurrecting ‘Great Russia,’ Putin militarily invaded and annexed Crimea and eastern Ukraine, leading to the outbreak of the current Ukrainian War.
