蓬莱山 テラスの向こうは 夏琵琶湖

When heading north from Otsu along the western shore of Lake Biwa, you will come across the prominently conspicuous Mount Hōrai (1174m) among the Hira mountain range that spreads along the western shore of Lake Biwa. It is the second-highest peak in the Hira mountain range, with Mount Bunagatake (1214m) being the highest. Towering over Lake Biwa, its imposing presence leaves a profound impression. Next to it is Mount Uchimi (1103m), and the entire area is known as “Lake Biwa Valley,” one of the leading resorts in the Kansai region.
From the “Foot Station” at an altitude of 300m, a ropeway ride takes about 5 minutes to reach the “Summit Station” at an elevation of 1,100m, which is Mount Uchimi. From the summit station, a vast terrace area extends known as the “Biwako Terrace.” Here, you can find the symbolic space of the “Grand Terrace,” which appears to connect to Lake Biwa with its sparkling water basin of a turquoise hue, and the “North Terrace,” where you can enjoy views of Lake Biwa, Shirahige Shrine, the Northern Alps, and the Central Alps from sofa seats. The wind blowing down from the Mount Hōrai summit is refreshing, and the temperature is probably 5 to 6 degrees lower than at ground level, making it a completely different world here.


琵琶湖の西岸を大津から北上すると、琵琶湖西岸に広がる比良山系の中でも一際目立つ蓬莱山(1174m)に出会します。武奈ヶ岳(1214m)を主峰とする比良山系の中で2番目に高い山です。琵琶湖に突き出す様に聳えていて、その山容に圧倒されます。その隣に打見山(1103m)があり、一帯を「びわ湖バレイ」と言って、関西では有数のリゾート地です。海抜300mの「麓駅」からロープウェイに乗って約5分、標高1,100mの「山頂駅」に着くと、そこが打見山。その山頂駅から続く広大なテラスエリアが「びわ湖テラス」です。ここには、水色に煌めく水盤が琵琶湖に繋がっているかのように見える、「びわ湖テラス」のシンボル的空間「Grand Terrace」と、ソファー席から琵琶湖や白髭神社、北アルプスや中央アルプスまで楽しめる「North Terrace」があります。蓬莱山山頂から吹き下ろす風は涼しく、おそらく気温は地上よりも5、6度は低い、ここは別天地です。