鷹揚な モミジアオイに 気も休み

While avoiding the sun, as I walk beside a stream near an old traditional Japanese house, I notice tall Momiji-Aoi standing upright. The Momiji-Aoi, taller than myself, stands gracefully by the brook. Its flowers, a deep red and about 20 centimeters in size, have petals that split one by one, resembling airplane propellers. Despite its showy appearance, the flower exudes a simple and unassuming charm, enveloping me in a feeling of tranquility just by gazing at it. The flower language of the Momiji-Aoi is said to be “gentleness” and “kindness,” and this truly resonates.
There are similar flowers such as Hibiscus mutton and Hibiscus, and these are trees, but Momijiaoi is a grass. Originating from North America, it’s often referred to as the “swamp hibiscus” due to its abundant growth in marshy areas. It’s said to have been introduced to Japan in 1863, a fact that consistently reminds me of the Japanese people’s love for flowers.
The Momiji-Aoi is a day-flowering plant that opens its blossoms during the day and withers by the evening. However, even in the midst of this scorching heat, it continues to bloom one after another, carrying on its display of beauty until around September.

よく似た花にムクゲやフヨウがありますが、これらは木ですが、モミジアオイは草です。北アメリカが原産地で、現地では、沼地に多く自生することから、沼ハイビスカス(swamp hibiscus)とも呼ばれています。日本へは1863年渡来したと言いますから、いつも思うことですが、日本人の花好きが偲ばれます。

打ち鳴らせ 長崎の鐘 高らかに

On August 9, 1945, a single atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki claimed the lives of 73,884 people. Today is the Peace Memorial Day, a day to convey the message “Let Nagasaki be the last place of atomic bombing” to both domestic and international audiences. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima used uranium and was of a smaller size, hence it was called “Little Boy.” On the other hand, the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki utilized plutonium and due to its appearance, it was referred to as “Fat Man.” “Fat Man” was an atomic bomb with approximately 1.5 times the power of “Little Boy.” The reason Nagasaki suffered comparatively fewer casualties was attributed to its topography, as the city is surrounded by mountains that provided a barrier against the thermal rays and blast. These two atomic bombs hold historical truths that differ from the official account. Those who are interested are encouraged to explore “The True Identity of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb as Witnessed by the Spy ‘Velasco’.

1945年8月9日、長崎に落とされた一発の原子爆弾が、7万3884人もの命を奪いました。今日はその慰霊日であり、「長崎を最後の被爆地に」というメッセージを国内外へ発信する日です。広島に投下された原子爆弾は、ウランを用いたもので、小型であったため「リトルボーイ」 (ちび)と呼ばれ ていました。 一方長崎に投下された原子爆弾はプルトニウムを用いたもので、その容姿から「ファットマン」 (ふとっちょ)と呼ばれていました。「ファットマン」 は「リトルボーイ」の約1.5倍の威力を持つ原爆です。長崎の方が被害が少なかったのは、長崎市は山で囲まれた地形で、山によって熱線や爆風が遮断されたためといわれています。そしてこの2発の原爆には、正史とは異なる歴史事実が隠されています。関心を持たれた方は、「スパイ ”ベラスコ”が見た広島原爆の正体」をご覧下さい。

蝋燭に 命を知るや 万灯会

On August 5th, a Ten Thousand Lantern Festival (Mantōe) was held at Daigo-ji Temple in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City. The Ten Thousand Lantern Festival is a ceremonial event held annually on the night of August 5th, where lanterns are lit to offer prayers of gratitude to ancestors, spirits, and all living beings, commemorating their lives. At dusk, numerous stone lanterns and paper lanterns are arranged along the approach to the temple, and even the national treasure main hall and five-story pagoda are specially illuminated. Originally, there was an event called “Yomairi” on the evening before the anniversary of the founder of Daigo-ji Temple, Rigen Daishi, who passed away on August 6th (874 AD). This tradition continued until the Taisho period. However, it was discontinued amidst the anti-Buddhist sentiment during the Meiji Restoration. Subsequently, the festival was revived in 1990 and has continued to evolve in accordance with the times, becoming the Ten Thousand Lantern Festival as we know it today. It has now become a symbol of Kyoto’s summer, attracting numerous visitors.


除虫菊 焚いて床机で 夕涼み

It’s so hot, I can’t bear it without an air conditioner. On my way back from the gym, I found some Jochugiku flower (pyrethrum flowers) growing along the roadside. As I contemplated using these Jochugiku flowers as the subject for a haiku, old memories came flooding back. In the past, there were no air conditioners, and as soon as we finished dinner, we would rush out of the house. Outside, there was a Shogi (floor desk) about the size of one tatami mat, where all the neighbors would gather and play shogi (Japanese chess). At that time, we used to burn Jochugiku under the floor desk, of course, as a mosquito repellent. There were plenty of Jochugiku flowers blooming in the nearby Yodogawa riverbed, and we would pick them and let them dry for several days. When we burned them, mosquitoes would stay away, and I loved the fragrance. However, over time, it was replaced by mosquito coils, air conditioners were invented, the cool evening breeze custom disappeared, and on hot summer nights, everyone started staying indoors.


広島は あの日も暑き 朝だった

On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM, the world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. The weather that day was clear and hot, typical of a summer morning. The atomic bomb, named “Little Boy,” was released from the American B-29 bomber Enola Gay, exploding approximately 580 meters above the Island Hospital, close to the Aioi Bridge. The detonation occurred 43 seconds after the drop, accompanied by a blinding flash.
It is said that the temperature on the surface at the hypocenter reached 3,000 to 4,000 degrees Celsius. The flash and the blast wave struck almost simultaneously, instantly destroying almost all the buildings within a radius of 500 meters from the hypocenter. Those outdoors were killed instantly, and in some places, the intense heat rays left no trace of their bodies, only shadows on stone steps, and other surfaces.
At that time, the population of Hiroshima was 350,000, and about 140,000 people lost their lives. Now, 78 years later, there are a total of 12,520 nuclear warheads in existence on Earth, possessed by countries such as the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. We must continue to urge these foolish nations and their leaders with the plea of “No more Hirosimas!”

1945年(昭和45年)8月6日午前8時15分、広島に人類史上初の原子爆弾が投下されました。当日の天候は快晴で、今日の様な夏らしい暑さの朝でした。アメリカ軍のB29型爆撃機エノラ・ゲイ号から放たれた原子爆弾「リトルボーイ」は、相生橋にほど近い島病院の上空約580メートルで、投下から43秒後に閃光とともに炸裂しました。爆心地の地表の温度は3,000~4,000度に達したと言われています。閃光と爆風がほぼ同時に襲ったため、爆心地500メートル圏内では建物のほとんどが一瞬に破壊されました。屋外にいた者は即死、場所によっては強烈な熱線により、その遺体すら残らず、石段等に影を残すのみ。当時の広島市の人口は35万人、そのうちの14万人が亡くなりました。それから78年経った今、地球上に存在する核弾頭の総数は12,520発です。保有国は、米国、ロシア、フランス、英国、中国、インド、パキスタン、イスラエル、北朝鮮です。私たちは、この愚かな国々、そしてその指導者たちに「No more Hirosimas!」を諭し続けねばなりません。

場に和み 豆朝顔の 可愛いさよ

I took notice of two cute flowers blooming on the windowsill of a soba noodle shop, where I sought respite from the heat. Since I had never seen this type of flower before, I quickly took a photo with my smartphone and used Google Lens to search for it. The search result indicated it was a Mame Asagao (Morning Glory), also known as Ipomoea purpurea. It is native to North America and was reported to have naturalized near Tokyo around 1955, probably came in mixed with imported grain. Nowadays, it is quite commonly seen along roadsides in the Kanto region and beyond.
Although it is classified as a weed, echoing the words of Dr. Tomitaro Makino, “There are no plants named weeds,” the Mame Asagao right before my eyes is undoubtedly a decorative plant. Its flowers are about 2cm in size, blooming from early morning and withering before noon. However, due to its strong reproductive capability, it repeatedly flowers and bears fruit from spring to autumn, spreading rapidly if left unchecked. It particularly thrives in soybean fields and is considered an enemy even in its native land of America.

暑さ凌ぎに入ったお蕎麦屋さんの窓際に、可愛い二輪の花が咲いているのが目に留まりました。見たことがない花なので、早速スマホで写真を撮り、Google Lens で検索したら、マメアサガオとあります。北アメリカ原産で、1955年に東京近郊での帰化が報告されていますから、おそらく輸入穀物に混入して入ってきたのでしょう。現在では関東地方以西の道ばたなどにごく普通に見られるとのことです。分類では雑草ということですが、牧野富太郎博士の言葉を借りれば、「雑草という名の植物はない」の通り、今目の前にあるマメアサガオはまさしく観賞用植物です。花の大きさは2cmほどで、早朝から咲き出し、昼前までにはしぼんでしまいます。ただ、繁殖力が強いため、春~秋と長期にわたり開花・結実を繰り返すため、放置しておくとどんどん蔓延していきます。特に大豆畑に繁殖しやすく、原産地アメリカでも目の敵にされているそうです。

夏祭り 花火も添えて 真っ盛り

All across Japan, summer festivals and fireworks displays are in full swing. Yesterday (8/3), I watched the live coverage of various events on Youtube, including the Nebuta Festival in Aomori City, the Sansa Festival in Morioka City, the Kanto Festival in Akita City, and the fireworks display in Nagaoka City. While I had seen some of these events on TV news, it’s the modern era that allows us to watch the festivities and fireworks for an extended period like this. In the past, the HUT (the percentage of people watching TV) used to exceed 70% during prime time, but in recent data, it has dropped to 52.0%, with some fluctuations, but overall, it continues to decline. It’s somewhat surprising that it’s still maintaining around 50%. This is also a sign of the aging society, as the generation that watches TV tends to be older, and the younger generation watches less TV. There’s a trend of people moving away from television, newspapers, and books, indicating significant changes in the era.


蓬莱山 テラスの向こうは 夏琵琶湖

When heading north from Otsu along the western shore of Lake Biwa, you will come across the prominently conspicuous Mount Hōrai (1174m) among the Hira mountain range that spreads along the western shore of Lake Biwa. It is the second-highest peak in the Hira mountain range, with Mount Bunagatake (1214m) being the highest. Towering over Lake Biwa, its imposing presence leaves a profound impression. Next to it is Mount Uchimi (1103m), and the entire area is known as “Lake Biwa Valley,” one of the leading resorts in the Kansai region.
From the “Foot Station” at an altitude of 300m, a ropeway ride takes about 5 minutes to reach the “Summit Station” at an elevation of 1,100m, which is Mount Uchimi. From the summit station, a vast terrace area extends known as the “Biwako Terrace.” Here, you can find the symbolic space of the “Grand Terrace,” which appears to connect to Lake Biwa with its sparkling water basin of a turquoise hue, and the “North Terrace,” where you can enjoy views of Lake Biwa, Shirahige Shrine, the Northern Alps, and the Central Alps from sofa seats. The wind blowing down from the Mount Hōrai summit is refreshing, and the temperature is probably 5 to 6 degrees lower than at ground level, making it a completely different world here.


琵琶湖の西岸を大津から北上すると、琵琶湖西岸に広がる比良山系の中でも一際目立つ蓬莱山(1174m)に出会します。武奈ヶ岳(1214m)を主峰とする比良山系の中で2番目に高い山です。琵琶湖に突き出す様に聳えていて、その山容に圧倒されます。その隣に打見山(1103m)があり、一帯を「びわ湖バレイ」と言って、関西では有数のリゾート地です。海抜300mの「麓駅」からロープウェイに乗って約5分、標高1,100mの「山頂駅」に着くと、そこが打見山。その山頂駅から続く広大なテラスエリアが「びわ湖テラス」です。ここには、水色に煌めく水盤が琵琶湖に繋がっているかのように見える、「びわ湖テラス」のシンボル的空間「Grand Terrace」と、ソファー席から琵琶湖や白髭神社、北アルプスや中央アルプスまで楽しめる「North Terrace」があります。蓬莱山山頂から吹き下ろす風は涼しく、おそらく気温は地上よりも5、6度は低い、ここは別天地です。

ヒマワリが 咲いた部屋にも ウクライナ

On the television, scenes of the Bon dance festival with the catchphrase ‘After four years’ are being broadcast. Even from overseas, we can see scenes of the Bon dance festival in Malaysia, with a crowd of 40,000 people. The Bon dance is now fully revived. On the other hand, in the same news program, there is always coverage of the situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian War has been sparked by the twisted historical perspective of Vladimir Putin, the worst mass murderer of this century and the President of Russia. The name of Russia comes from the region of Rus’, which included the current northwestern Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In 1917, Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution, proposed immediate peace with all warring nations of World War I, based on the principles of ‘no indemnities, no annexations, and the right of self-determination for all nations.’ The ‘right of self-determination’ in this context denied any forced ‘annexation’ by regimes or multi-ethnic states, including colonies, and fully supported the self-determination of individual nations, regardless of whether they were in Europe or not. Thus, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the People’s Republic of China, both advocating the same principles, were born. As time passed, in 1991, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic collapsed, giving birth to the current Russian Federation and Ukraine. However, from Putin’s perspective, the delusion of the ‘Great Russia’ of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic era and even the Rus’ era still lingers in his mind. The idea of ‘self-determination’ that was strongly advocated during the Russian Revolution has disappeared. China is facing a similar situation. In 2014, driven by the delusion of resurrecting ‘Great Russia,’ Putin militarily invaded and annexed Crimea and eastern Ukraine, leading to the outbreak of the current Ukrainian War.


鬼百合の はにかむ姿や 今日の富士

Finally, August has arrived. When it comes to summer, August is the month that stands out. The Gion Festival, Tenjin Festival, and Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival—all of them are like a prelude to this August. The sun shines fiercely, and when you seek shade, you’ll hear a grand chorus of cicadas. With Bon Festival at its center, both children and adults enjoy their summer vacations. It’s exciting to plan trips to the sea and mountains. The Summer Koshien baseball tournament is also fantastic. And let us not forget the importance of August 6th, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Day, August 9th, the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Day, and August 15th, the end of World War II Memorial Day. This summer is likely to be special, as we have overcome a once-in-a-century pandemic. So, everyone, let’s get through this summer with energy and joy!
