待ちに待った 本を手にする 文化の日  Long-awaited,  Finally in hand a book,  On Culture Day

I finally received the long-awaited book that I found on eBay. The book is titled ‘Discover Japan,’ and it was published in 1982, so it’s quite an old book. It was published by Kodansha for foreigners, and it was a collaborative effort of 100 foreign residents or visitors to Japan, including scholars and translators like Donald Keene and Siden Stecker. The book introduces various aspects of Japanese everyday life and culture, such as ‘onigiri’ (rice balls), ‘delivery service,’ ‘pachinko,’ ‘cram schools,’ ‘sumo,’ and ‘cold morning training,’ among others. While it was written for foreigners, it may have been a bit challenging for university entrance exam students, but they showed interest in reading it. Personally, I found it very intriguing, as it made me rediscover things I often overlooked in my daily life from a foreigner’s perspective.
Despite being such a great book, I sold it to a secondhand bookstore after retiring, thinking it might be useful to someone else. However, inspired by the current Japan craze, I remembered this book and started searching for it on Amazon and eBay. Since it’s a book from nearly 40 years ago, it was challenging to find. I had almost given up, but about a month ago, I discovered that a well-known American used bookstore was selling the book on eBay. And today, on Culture Day, the book arrived. It’s in pristine condition, and I was surprised to see it had a cloth hardcover.

eBayで見つけ、首を長くして待っていた本がやっときました。本の名前は『Discover Japan』。1982年発行と言いますから随分古い本です。講談社が外国人向けに発行した本で、日本文学の研究者で翻訳家のドナルド・キーン氏やサイデン・ステッカー氏をはじめ、在日または駐日の知日派外国人100人が共同執筆した本です。難しい内容ではなく、外国人から見て珍しい、「おむすび」、「出前」、「パチンコ」、「塾」、「相撲」、「寒稽古」等など、日本のごくありふれた日常生活や文化を紹介しています。当時大学受験生を教えていたので、これはもってこいの教材だと思ったわけです。外国人向けに書かれた本ですから、大学受験生にも少し難しい面もあったかもしれませんが、興味を持って読んでくれました。自分自身も、普段何の気無しに見過ごしていた事が、外国人が見たらこんなに見えるんだと、再発見したりでとても興味深く読みました。