Among them, there was a scene of a group surrounding a yudofu (a warm hot tofu soup). It seems we’ve entered that season already. When it comes to winter gourmet in Kansai, ‘Yudofu’ or hot tofu soup is a classic choice.
Speaking of traditional Yudofu establishments in Kansai, names like ‘Okutan’ and ‘Junsei’ in the Nanzenji and Kiyomizu Temple area, and ‘Seizan Soudou’ and ‘Takemura’ in the Arashiyama and Sagano area, known for Morika’s tofu, come to mind. Particularly, ‘Seizan Soudou’ holds a special memory for me. I used to go there every year with high school graduates, having just finished their university entrance exams, to enjoy Yudofu. ‘Seizan Soudou’ is located within the precincts of Myochin-in, one of the sub-temples of Tenryu-ji, and is the oldest Yudofu establishment in Sagano, established around 1950. The name ‘Seizan Soudou’ means ‘A hall standing in a deep grassy place on the western mountain,’ reflecting its location.
It’s been about 40 years since I went to ‘Seizan Soudou’ with the students who had just finished their exams, and I’m surprised to find that the prices haven’t changed much since then.
冬のグルメの定番といえば「湯豆腐」です。関西では、湯豆腐の老舗といえば、南禅寺・清水寺エリアの「奥丹」や「順正」、森嘉の豆腐で有名な嵐山・嵯峨野エリア の「西山艸堂」や「竹むら」などが真っ先に思い浮かびます。とくに「西山艸堂」には特別な思い出があります。大学入試を終えた受験生を引き連れて、毎年この「西山艸堂」に湯豆腐を食べに行っていたことがあります。「西山艸堂」は天龍寺敷地内の塔頭のひとつ「妙智院」の中にあり、1950年頃創業という嵯峨野では一番古い湯豆腐の老舗です。「西山艸堂」は妙智院の別号で”西の山の草深い所に立つお堂”という意味だそうです。