Today is Shichi-Go-San. It’s a traditional Japanese celebration for children who are 7, 5, and 3 years old, marking their growth. Families visit shrines and temples for the ‘Shichi-Go-San-mairi,’ offering prayers, gratitude, and reports. It is said to have originated with prayers for the health of the eldest son of the fifth shogun of the Edo shogunate, Tsunayoshi. At nearby shrines, many children dressed in formal attire, along with their parents, were making visits. It is a truly delightful and heartwarming scene.
However, these fortunate children stand in contrast to the reality that in Japan, approximately 1 in 9 children are said to be living in poverty. There is an international indicator called the ‘poverty line’ that represents poverty, and in Japan, the poverty line in 2018 was an income of 1.27 million yen. This means that approximately 1 in 9 children are in environments characterized by such conditions. At one point, there was a period when this ratio was 1 in 6, but due in part to increased societal awareness, we have fortunately moved away from the worst conditions.
While Japan is experiencing a declining birthrate, with the number of births in 2022 being 770,000, a quarter of the peak at 2.5 million births, the disparity in child poverty is widening. The economic losses resulting from child poverty are estimated to be around 43 trillion yen. When combined with the issue of declining birthrates, this poses a truly serious problem for Japan’s future.