酔い痴れて 紅葉もみじの 圓光寺 Intoxicated, Admiring autumn leaves— Enkouji Temple.

From Kyoto’s Demachiyanagi, take the Eizan Main Line of the Eizan Electric Railway and disembark at the third station, Ichijoji Station. A 15-minute walk awaits, passing by the remains of the mountain villa where the Edo-period literati Ishikawa Jozan spent his later years, known as the ‘Shisendo.’ Just beyond lies the Enkoji Temple.
Originally built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who aimed to promote domestic education, the temple was established by relocating a school. Currently serving as a training center for the Nanzen-ji school, it maintains the remnants of an academic institution. Additionally, Enkoji Temple played a role in the early printing of one of Japan’s first movable-type books, the ‘Fushimi-ban,’ with surviving wooden type used in the publication.
Despite its unique history compared to other temples, Enkoji is now renowned in Kyoto as one of the foremost spots for autumn foliage. Ascend the temple gate to find the ‘Honryutei,’ a dry landscape garden, and pass through the middle gate to encounter the ‘Jugyu no Niwa,’ known as a framed garden. Before the main hall, the ‘Suikinkutsu’ resonates with clear, mystical sounds. Enkoji Temple is currently adorned with vibrant autumn leaves. The photo captures the foliage of the ‘Jugyu no Niwa’ seen through the window of the ‘Zuiunkaku.


海の色 背筋にくっきり 秋鰯 The color of the sea,  Clearly etched on its body, Autumn sardines

In the waters near Japan, the main types of sardines caught are Ma-iwashi, Urume-iwashi, and Katakuchi-iwashi. The term ‘Iwashi’ is a general name for these, and sometimes it refers specifically to Ma-iwashi. Sardines are generally abundant in catch, and they are essential as natural bait for many other marine creatures, including humans. In a way, it’s as if they were born to be eaten by various living beings, not just humans. The addition of “弱” (weak) to the “魚” (fish) radical in writing “鰯” might also have come from such circumstances.
When we talk about ‘秋イワシ’ (autumn sardines), it typically refers to Ma-iwashi caught in the autumn. While Ma-iwashi is said to be in season from June to July, the rich and fatty Ma-iwashi of autumn is also exceptional, which is why it’s called ‘秋イワシ.’ On the other hand, the Katakuchi-iwashi in the photo is the most caught fish, and it’s in season right now. Fresh sashimi made from Katakuchi-iwashi is said to be the most delicious. Shirasu are young Katakuchi-iwashi, and the main ingredient for anchovies commonly used in Western cuisine is also Katakuchi-iwashi.
Sardines are gaining increasing attention due to their high content of EPA, which lowers neutral fat levels in the blood and has vascular dilation functions, and DHA, which activates brain functions, found in their blood.

日本近海で取れるイワシは主にマイワシ、ウルメイワシ、カタクチイワシです。イワシはこれらの総称でもあり、ときにはマイワシだけをさすこともあります。イワシは一般に漁獲量も多く、他の魚をはじめ多くの海産動物の天然餌料 (じりょう)としても大切です。言ってみれば、人間をはじめ、他の生き物に食べられるために生まれてきた様な魚です。魚偏に弱いと書いて鰯と書くのもその辺から来たのかも知れません。秋イワシと言えば、一般的には秋に取れるマイワシを指します。マイワシの旬は6月から7月頃と言われていますが、脂の乗った秋のマイワシもまた格別で、秋イワシと呼ばれる所以です。一方、写真のカタクチイワシは最も漁獲量の多い魚で、旬はちょうど今頃。イワシの中でも新鮮なカタクチイワシの刺身は、最も美味しいと言われています。シラスはカタクチイワシの稚魚ですし、洋風料理にもよく出るアンチョビの原料もカタクチイワシです。イワシは、血液中の中性脂肪を低下させ、血管拡張の機能を持つEPAや、脳の働きを活性させるDHAが豊富であることから、最近ますます注目されています。

立冬も 赤葉や黄葉で 華盛り Even as winter begins, With red and yellow leaves, It’s in full bloom.

Today is the beginning of winter, or 立冬(Ritto).  According to the calendar, autumn spanned from August 8th, ‘Risshu,’ until yesterday. This year, ‘Ritto’ starts on November 8th and lasts until November 22nd. The first 侯(Koh), 山茶始開 (Tsubaki hajimaru: camellia begins to bloom), is from November 8 to 12. This means  the time when the bright red sasanqua flowers begin to bloom in the winter-dead landscape. 山茶 is pronounced tsubaki and refers to the sazanka flower. The second 侯, 地始凍 (Chi hajimete kohru: the earth begins to freeze), is from November 13 to 17. This means that the ground is beginning to freeze in the cold winter air. Frost may fall in the morning, and icicles may form in some places. The third 侯, 盞金香 (Kinsenka saku: narcissuses blooms), is from November 18 to 22. This means that the narcissuses flower is beginning to bloom. 盞金香 does not refer to the fragrant calendula, but rather to the narcissuses. After 立冬, the next 節気 is 小雪 (Shosetsu: light snow), which begins on November 23. The Japanese calendar divides the four seasons into six 節気 each, and further subdivides each 節気 into three 侯 to accurately represent the changing seasons. However, in recent years, climate change has caused a significant gap between the calendar and reality.

今日から立冬。8月8日(火)の「立秋」から昨日までが 暦の上では秋でした。今年の立冬は今日11月8日から11月22日までです。初侯「山茶始開(つばきはじめてひらく)」は11月8日〜12日で、冬枯れの景色の中で真っ赤な山茶花が咲き始める頃という意味です。「山茶」はつばきと読み、山茶花のことです。次候「地始凍(ちはじめてこおる)」は13日〜17日で、冬の冷気のなかで大地が凍りはじめる頃と言う意味です。朝は霜が降り、霜柱が立つ所もあります。末候「盞金香(んせんかさく)」は18日〜22日で、水仙の花が咲きはじめる頃と言う意味です。「盞金香」は香ばしい金盞花ではなく、水仙を意味します。こうして立冬が過ぎると、11月23日から小雪(しょうせつ)になります。この様に日本の暦は四季をそろぞれ六つに分けて二十四節気とし、更に一節気を三つの侯に分けて四季折々を的確に表してきました。しかし、近年の気候変動の影響で暦と現実の間に大きなズレが生じてきています。

燃え上がる 炎も眩し シクラメン Early in late autumn, Burning flames are dazzling, The cyclamen blooms.

Cyclamen and poinsettia are beginning to line up in front of the flower shop. I feel the approaching Christmas and New Year. The rapid change of seasons makes me feel anxious. I can’t remember what it was like when I was young, but I don’t think I was ever so rushed. I bought a cyclamen that burns bright red, but I can’t even remember why. I don’t even understand myself. In the well-known ‘Scent of Cyclamen,’ there are pure white cyclamen, pale pink cyclamen, and pale purple cyclamen, but there is no mention of bright red cyclamen. Is it safe to say that longing, love, and heart-wrenching farewells are now foreign to the elderly? I wondered while gazing at the bright red cyclamen, what kind of scene it would appear in if a bright red cyclamen were to make an appearance.


コスモスの 手水も清し 般若寺 Cosmos-filled water basin, Both body and soul are washed, At Hannya-ji temple

When visiting a shrine or temple, the place where you purify your body and mind by scooping water with a ladle is called a “temizu-ya” (手水舎). Temizu-ya have a water basin with water flowing constantly, and a ladle placed upside down. This ladle is used to wash your hands and mouth with water, or to refer to the water itself as “temizu”. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of shrines and temples have discontinued the use of temizu-ya to prevent the spread of infection. Instead of being able to wash your hands at the temizu-ya, a number of shrines and temples have started to install “hana-temizu” (花手水), which are decorated with flowers. It has become standard to float seasonal flowers in hanamizu. With its splendor and beauty, hanamizu has become a popular spot for Instagram photos. Now, hanamizu has spread throughout Japan, and is attracting even more attention from foreign tourists to the beauty of Japan.


干し柿の 頃良い甘さに ついひとつ Dried persimmons, The perfect sweetness, I take just one

These dried persimmons haven’t dried completely yet, but the astringency is completely gone, and the sweetness is just right. They have a flavor and texture that falls somewhere between naturally ripened persimmons and fully dried ones. Some people prefer dried persimmons at this stage. However, in this condition, they are prone to mold, and long-term storage is not possible. To extend their shelf life to some extent, they can be fumigated with sulfur, turning them into ‘anpo kaki.’ When they become anpo kaki and are sold in stores, they can be quite expensive, making you hesitate to buy them. In addition to ‘anpo kaki,’ there are other high-end dried persimmons like ‘koro kaki’ and ‘Ichida kaki.’ But when it comes to ‘Doujo Hachiya kaki’ from Minokamo City, Gifu Prefecture, a pack of 10 can cost as much as 20,000 yen, far beyond the concept of dried persimmons, and they are simply out of reach.


霜月に 河津桜も 狂い咲き In the month of frost, Kawazu cherry blossoms too Bloom out of season.

Today, the 4th (Saturday), will be covered by high pressure, with clear skies in both western and eastern Japan, with predicted maximum temperatures of 26°C in central Tokyo, 25°C in Nagoya, 25°C in Osaka, and 26°C in Fukuoka. Yesterday, on the 3rd, more than 300 locations recorded the highest temperature ever recorded in November, and the forecast is for some locations to break that record.
Coupled with the increase in the number of foreign visitors to Japan during this three-day holiday, TV reports show that every resort is packed with people, and most of them are wearing summer clothes. On the other hand, it is also reported that the colors are progressing smoothly due to the cold mornings and evenings, and the colors of autumn leaves are also progressing in western and eastern Japan. Also, crazy blooms of Kawazu cherry blossoms were observed in many places. A friend who lives in Izu also sent me the photo. In the lunar calendar, November is written as the month of frost, and is called Shimotsuki. In the past, about 50 years ago at most, people would turn on the heating as soon as November arrived. My head is confused and I’m in a state of chaos.


待ちに待った 本を手にする 文化の日  Long-awaited,  Finally in hand a book,  On Culture Day

I finally received the long-awaited book that I found on eBay. The book is titled ‘Discover Japan,’ and it was published in 1982, so it’s quite an old book. It was published by Kodansha for foreigners, and it was a collaborative effort of 100 foreign residents or visitors to Japan, including scholars and translators like Donald Keene and Siden Stecker. The book introduces various aspects of Japanese everyday life and culture, such as ‘onigiri’ (rice balls), ‘delivery service,’ ‘pachinko,’ ‘cram schools,’ ‘sumo,’ and ‘cold morning training,’ among others. While it was written for foreigners, it may have been a bit challenging for university entrance exam students, but they showed interest in reading it. Personally, I found it very intriguing, as it made me rediscover things I often overlooked in my daily life from a foreigner’s perspective.
Despite being such a great book, I sold it to a secondhand bookstore after retiring, thinking it might be useful to someone else. However, inspired by the current Japan craze, I remembered this book and started searching for it on Amazon and eBay. Since it’s a book from nearly 40 years ago, it was challenging to find. I had almost given up, but about a month ago, I discovered that a well-known American used bookstore was selling the book on eBay. And today, on Culture Day, the book arrived. It’s in pristine condition, and I was surprised to see it had a cloth hardcover.

eBayで見つけ、首を長くして待っていた本がやっときました。本の名前は『Discover Japan』。1982年発行と言いますから随分古い本です。講談社が外国人向けに発行した本で、日本文学の研究者で翻訳家のドナルド・キーン氏やサイデン・ステッカー氏をはじめ、在日または駐日の知日派外国人100人が共同執筆した本です。難しい内容ではなく、外国人から見て珍しい、「おむすび」、「出前」、「パチンコ」、「塾」、「相撲」、「寒稽古」等など、日本のごくありふれた日常生活や文化を紹介しています。当時大学受験生を教えていたので、これはもってこいの教材だと思ったわけです。外国人向けに書かれた本ですから、大学受験生にも少し難しい面もあったかもしれませんが、興味を持って読んでくれました。自分自身も、普段何の気無しに見過ごしていた事が、外国人が見たらこんなに見えるんだと、再発見したりでとても興味深く読みました。

見るほどに その名の通り サンゴバナ As I gaze more, Just as its name suggests, Coral flower.

There are various shapes of flowers, but this flower is also quite unusual. When we think of a flower, we typically envision a star-shaped flower with five or six petals. However, with this flower, it’s hard to tell where the petals are attached or how many there are. Even after reading the description that says, ‘It produces a conical inflorescence 10-15cm long at the stem tip, and the flowers are 5cm long, with pale pink to deep peach-red two-lipped flowers, with the lower lip turned backward,’ it’s still not clear. Nevertheless, the name of the flower is quite fitting. It looks just like coral swaying in transparent seawater. It is also called Flamingo Plant, but the former name is more appropriate. The Coral Plant is a evergreen shrub native to the Atlantic coastal forests of eastern Brazil. It typically grows to a height of around 1-2 meters. It is sensitive to cold and extreme heat, but it has a long flowering period, and its flowers evoke the warm atmosphere of a tropical paradise.

花の形もいろいろありますが、この花も異形ですね。花と言えば、普通思い浮かべるのは、花弁が5枚とか6枚の星形の花ですが、この花なんか、いったい花弁がどこから付いているのか、また何枚なのか、さっぱり分かりません。説明書には「茎先に長さ10~15cmの円錐花序を出し、花は長さは5cmで淡い桃色~濃い桃紅色の2唇形花で、下唇が反転します。」とありますが、これを読んでもさっぱりです。しかし、花の名前はぴったりです。まるで透明な海水の中に揺れるサンゴの様です。別名フラミンゴプランツと呼ばれるそうですが、この名前の方が合ってます。サンゴバナは、ブラジル東部の大西洋岸森林地帯原産の常緑小低木です。樹高は1、2 m程です。寒さや酷暑には弱いですが、開花期間が長く、暖かい南国の雰囲気を感じさせる花です。

秋晴れに 学童の声 ピースピースと  In the clear autumn sky, the voices of schoolchildren, ‘Peace, peace.’

Under the clear autumn sky, numerous schoolchildren sit cross-legged on the spacious park lawn, chatting animatedly. Although I can’t hear what they’re saying, the cheerful atmosphere is palpable. This scene contrasts starkly with the images of the Gaza Strip that are constantly broadcast on television. In October 1971, Pablo Casals, invited to the United Nations headquarters in New York at the age of 94, clung to his beloved cello, ‘Gofriller,’ and said, ‘The birds in my homeland of Catalonia sing ‘peace, peace.” He then began to play the Catalan folk song ‘The Bird’s Song.’ It was a time that felt much like the end of the Vietnam War. The United States was indiscriminately killing in their pursuit of eradicating the Viet Cong hidden among the Vietnamese people. Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on the Gaza Strip in an effort to eliminate Hamas resonate with that. In both cases, many children have become casualties. The voices of Japanese children playing in front of me sound like ‘peace, peace.
