薫風に 揺れて涼しや ジギタリス In the fragrant breeze / Swaying cool and refreshing / The foxglove blooms

While it is not well-known in Japan, the foxglove has been a familiar plant in Europe for a long time. In Europe, it is often found blooming in the wild around lakeshores. Its bell-shaped flowers cluster together gracefully, nodding elegantly in the breeze, earning it the name ‘King’s-elwand’ for its regal appearance. This plant has not only been a popular subject in poetry but also featured in family crests. The Japanese name ‘Kitsune no Tebukuro’ translates to ‘fox’s glove,’ derived from its English name, ‘foxglove.’ Foxgloves bloom at the same time as roses, making them popular companion flowers for rose arrangements. However, despite their beauty, foxgloves are dangerous plants that can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, diarrhea, arrhythmia, headaches, and dizziness if ingested. In severe cases, they can lead to heart failure and death. At the same time, foxgloves have been used as a treatment for acute and chronic heart failure from the late 18th century until recently. Most articles about foxgloves highlight their toxicity and their use in heart failure medications. Additionally, foxgloves are planted in the botanical gardens of pharmacy-related universities across the country.
